Volcanic Rock: Exploring Potential Benefits - Orgone Energy Australia

Volcanic Rock: Exploring Potential Benefits

Volcanic rock jewelry, particularly lava stone, has become a popular trend. But beyond its stylish appeal, some believe it offers a range of health benefits. How could volcanic jewelry inspire your wellness journey? 

Volcanic rock jewelry, particularly lava stone, has become a popular trend. But beyond its stylish appeal, some believe it offers a range of health benefits. How could volcanic jewelry inspire your wellness journey? 


Grounding and Emotional Balance:



Lava rock, formed from molten lava, is often referred to as a "grounding stone." In the realm of crystal healing, it's believed to connect the wearer to the earth's energy, fostering a sense of stability and emotional balance. This could be helpful for those experiencing stress, anxiety, or feeling overwhelmed.


Check out: The Benefits of Grounding


Calming and Stress Relief:


The porous nature of volcanic rock might contribute to its perceived calming effect. Some users claim it acts like a sponge, absorbing negative energy and promoting relaxation. While the science behind this is inconclusive, the tactile experience of holding a smooth volcanic stone could be inherently calming.


Aromatherapy Benefits:



Lava rock's porous nature makes it an excellent diffuser for essential oils. A few drops of your favorite calming essential oil, like lavender or chamomile, can be absorbed by the stone and slowly released throughout the day, offering a subtle and portable aromatherapy experience.


Focus and Clarity:



Volcanic rock is often associated with the base chakra, the energy center believed to be linked to our sense of security and grounding. Some users report that wearing volcanic rock jewelry helps them feel more focused and clear-headed.


Check out: Do you Need EMF Protection Products? 

EMF Protection:


Anti-EMF Negative Ion Volcanic Rock Necklace

Can volcanic rock be used for EMF protection? One 2016 study found some positive evidence. This study examined volcanic rocks collected around Van City in Eastern Turkey. They tested these rocks to see how well they block electrical currents at different frequencies. 


The study suggests that two of the rock samples could be useful for blocking electromagnetic radiation because they conduct electricity poorly.


One sample is better at blocking high-frequency radiation, while the other sample is better at blocking low-frequency radiation.


Finding Your Balance:



Volcanic rock jewelry can be a stylish and potentially beneficial addition to your wellness routine. However, it's important to focus on a holistic approach to well-being. Combine volcanic rock with healthy lifestyle practices like exercise, meditation, and a balanced diet for optimal results.