Orgone Energy Frequently Asked Questions
Here are Orgone Energy we get a lot of questions: about 5G, EMFs and especially our products. Here is a compliation of all of our most frequently asked questions.
Will the Geoclense Protect me from 5G?
The Geoclense neutralizes the noxious positive charged field, which is the harmful
component of 5G’s radiation.
Check out: How does 5G work?
Will all your products protect from 5G?
Yes, all our products offer 5G protection.
What other products do you recommend for 5G protection?
The Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generators, Quantum Orgone Pendants, Harmonywear Personal Protection Jewellry, and Ener-Bands for when you’re out and about and away from Geoclense protection at home or work.
Will the Geoclense interfere with the Wi-Fi and 5G signals that we are receiving at the moment?
The Geoclense block is a man-made crystal which produces a negative charge frequency which balances the positive charge which is the harmful component of any radiation field.
The Geoclense doesn’t block any signals so it won’t interfere with your Wi-Fi or 5G, it will neutralise the charged EMF field from the router when in use.
How does the Geoclense Work? Does it absorb the radiation or block it?
The Geoclense block is a man-made crystal which produces a negative charge frequency which balances the positive charge which is the harmful component of any radiation field.
The Geoclense doesn’t block any signals so it won’t interfere with your Wi-Fi or 5G, it will neutralise the charged EMF field from the router when in use.
As the Geoclense is plugged into the electrical system, the copper wiring is dominated by the negative charge frequency of the Geoclense which, in turn, harmonises all forms of radiation from technology in our house.
The Geoclense has an earth pin, which energises the earth wire with the negative charge frequency which, in turn, neutralises all forms of earth radiation which by the way, is more harmful to humans than Wi-Fi.
How big an area does the Geoclense cover?
The Geoclense has an effective range which will harmonize to the boundaries of the smallest or largest properties.
This means that not only is your home protected but your property grounds are as well.
The Geoclense will cover an area to the boundary of an average suburban house, and may even have an effect on the neighbors either side. If you are in a unit or apartment, it will cover your dwelling and may have an effect across the whole building.
What radius of the environment does the Geoclense affect?
The Geoclense will operate to the boundaries of the property as far as earth radiation goes, and the whole building from all other EMF.
Over what area will the Geoclense neutralize?
There is no limit to the size of the property. The Geoclense will harmonize to the boundaries of a small or large property.
How far does the Geoclense span approximately to?
The Geoclense® has an effective range which will harmonize to the boundaries of the smallest or largest properties.
Will the Geoclense energy extend to my garden?
Yes, it will, to the boundaries of your property. This is important because earth radiation can impact the vitality of plants and vegetables.
I’m moving into a house that is only 50m away from a high voltage power line. How big a space does the Geoclense offer protection?
The Geoclense will protect from the high voltage power line's EMF.
The power lines create a charge that goes through the ground up to 80 meters from the towers.
The Geoclense neutralizes the ground charge by the fact that it has an earth pin, which sends the frequency through the ground to neutralise the opposing charge in the ground from the power lines.
The Geoclense definitely has an effect on power lines in either direction, up and down the street and in front of the property, for a distance of around 50 meters either way.
Will the Geoclense neutralize the Wi-Fi from the neighbours?
Is the Geoclense strong enough to protect a house 50 meters away from a major electricity power station?
Some power stations produce more EMF than others. A Geoclense will neutralize the EMF charge from a power station no matter how close it may be.
What products would be sufficient for a 3-bedroom house?
Both the Geoclense or the Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generators are suitable for any size home.
Do I need more than one Geoclense as I have a large two-story house? Should I plug the Geoclense in upstairs or downstairs?
You will only need one Geoclense for a large two level house. It doesn’t matter where it is plugged in because all power-points lead back to the meter box and then onto all other circuits.
I live in a 50-story building that has 20 floors. Will the Geoclense work on my flat alone and is it enough?
Yes, the Geoclense will be effective for that size space. Chances are that the Geoclense will have an effect on the whole building.
Can I keep my old Geoclense and purchase a Stellar Dome and between the old Geoclense and a Stellar Dome, would my house/property be well protected?
If the Geoclense is over 4 years old, it won’t have the latest programs to deal with Geomagnetic fields caused by high solar winds and retrogrades.
However, the older Geoclense is still good for everything else EMF wise in the property. Having a Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generators adds to the radiance and also has the new programs for Geomagnetic fields included in it.
Does the Geoclense only neutralize one apartment in an apartment building?
The Geoclense will cover the whole multi-apartment building.
How many Geoclense do I need per property?
You only need ONE Geoclense per property/building.
Is it counterproductive, neutral or beneficial to use two Geoclense in one home?
You only need one Geoclense per property. However, plugging two in won’t be counterproductive.
However, using two Geoclense will increase the distance of how far along the power lines outside your house the Geoclense will neutralize.
With one Geoclense the distance is roughly 50 meters in either direction, and with two, that distance increases.
What will happen if there are two Geoclense plugged in at home? Does it overload and create ill effects to the body or is it good for extra added protection?
You only need one Geoclense per property.
However, plugging two in won’t be counterproductive. However, using two Geoclense will increase the distance of how far along the power lines outside your house the Geoclense will neutralize.
With one Geoclense the distance is roughly 50 meters in either direction, and with two, that distance increases.
How long does the Geoclense last for?
The Geoclense lasts forever. It doesn’t lose its charge.
Does the Geoclense expire at all or is it still effective if I bought one several years ago?
The Geoclense never loses its harmonizing ability, however, we have dramatically upgraded the programming over the last two years to cater for increased Geopathic stress caused by high solar winds.
How often do I need to replace or renew my Geoclense?
It's good to update the Geoclense every 3-4 years because of the ongoing research and upgrades we make to the programming when we feel that we can improve the energetics, or, if there have been changes to our energetic global environment.
As planetary energies are always changing, it may be advisable to upgrade to a current model Geoclense to benefit from all the research we do in observing these changes, and making the suitable corrections available through the Geoclense.
What can we do with the old plug-in harmonizer?
Still use the old Geoclense with the new, because when two are being used in a house, the charge goes further down the powerlines in either direction away from the house.
This will neutralize a greater number of 5G street lights which will push the 5G charge further away from the house, which is a good thing.
My Geoclense has turned yellow over time, is it still effective?
The resin we were using had some colourfastness issues, however the yellowing will not interfere with the EMF harmonizing ability of the Geoclense.
Where should we place the Geoclense (living room? dining area? bedroom?)
You can plug your Geoclense into any power point, anywhere in the house.
The Geoclense does not need to be centrally located or plugged into any special location.
Is there somewhere in particular where it would be most optimal to plug in the Geoclense? For example, would it be most beneficial to plug the Geoclense near the Wi-Fi modem or somewhere more central in the home?
No. Any power point, anywhere in the house. The Geoclense does not need to be centrally located or plugged into any special location.
How Do I know the Geoclense is working?
Most people say the space immediately felt “lighter”, “clearer” and “cleaner”, that they sleep well, have more energy and no longer experience the physical symptoms of discomfort before they had a Geoclense.
Most people, within seconds of initial installation of their Geoclense, feel a change in the environment of their home and workplace and also how they feel within themselves.
This is especially the case with people who may have an awareness of being, or have been diagnosed, as Electro-hypersensitive and chemically sensitive.
The more sensitive you are to feeling energies, the quicker you will notice the difference.
Will the Geoclense device give out some light when it is switched on?
No, there is no light that comes on when the Geoclense is plugged into the power point and is switched on.
How do I know the Geocleanse is working? Is there a light that comes on and stays on?
The Geoclense does not have an indicator light. It works as soon as it is plugged in and the power switch is turned on.
Does the Geoclense use any power?
No. The Geoclense does not consume any power, however, keep the switch turned 'on' at all times.
Does the Geocleanse only impact the electrical circuit it is plugged into or does one item impact the whole home?
The Geoclense harmonises the electrical system and all appliances which produce EMF, and also all earth radiation and Bioplasmic radiation, which is human emotional pain body radiation imprints, across the entire property.
Why does the Geoclense need to be plugged into an electrical socket if it doesn't use any electricity to work?
The Geoclense dominates the wiring with a negative charge which harmonizes the electrical system, thus neutralizing the EMR fields around appliances such as Smart Meters, Wi/Fi, Digital TV, fridges, lighting etc.
Because the Geoclense has an earth pin the harmonized earth wire then neutralizes all types of earth radiation.
You say that I must ensure that the power board is SWITCHED ON, but I live in Europe and there is no switch, I can only plug it in and we don't have power boards that you can switch on.
Having no power point switch as some countries do have, will not stop the Geoclense from working.
Can You Plug the Geoclense into an Extension Cord?
Yes, you can plug the Geoclense into an extension cord.
Can we plug the Geoclense in the extension board shared with some devices?
Yes, you can plug the Geoclense into a power board.
Is it OK to plug the Geoclense into a multi-plug socket behind a bookcase?
Yes, you can plug the Geoclense into any power board or power point and it doesn’t need to be out in the open.
Difference Between the Geoclense and the Stellar Dome
What is the difference between the Geocleanse and Stellar Dome?
The Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generator does the same function as the Geoclense, however, the Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generator neutralizes a type of radiation caused by mould in roof cavities which, combined with the shape of a gabled roof, will project a radiation charge downwards into the living space.
The Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generator’s radiance, which is upwards and outwards, then neutralizes the radiation caused by the mould in the roof cavity. The Geoclense doesn’t have a radiance effect like the Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generator.
The Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generator is also portable which is handy for when you are out and about.
Am I better off buying the Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generator or the Geoclense?
The Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generator is the better product if you want portability. It will work equally as well as the Geoclense at work and at home.
Protection From Smart Meters
Does the Geoclense protect from smart meters?
The Geoclense and Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generator will both neutralize the EMF charge coming from the smart meter.
We have just bought a house and the smart meter is attached to our exterior bedroom wall. Is there anything I could get to protect us from the radiation from that?
The Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generator and Geoclense will neutralise the EMF charge coming from the smart meter.
The Smart Meter fills the bedroom space with an EMF charge putting the body under EMF stress in our vital grans and inhibits our meridian energy.
Will the Geoclense cover high voltage powerlines and smart meters?
Yes, the Geoclense will neutralize the charge from smart meters and high voltage power lines should you be within 80 meters of them.
Check out: Are 5G Smart Meters Full of Danger?
Protection From Solar Panels
Will the Geoclense help with solar panels on our roof?
Yes, it will. The panels do not have an EMF field, it is the inverter. The danger is in the inverter which emits a field equivalent to the size of an EMF field from a meter box which may be up to 4 meters in diameter.
Check out: Do Solar Panels Give Off EMF?
Does the Geoclense Remove Entities?
Does the Geoclense clear entities?
Does the Geoclense get rid of evil spirits or good spirits (eg passed family members)?
Yes, it will remove imprints from people who may have died on the land or in the house. When the geocleanse is plugged in and the death energies are cleansed from the house.
If the Geocleanse is removed/unplugged, does that death energy return or is it gone for good?
The death imprints are gone for good unless someone dies in the same property again without a Geoclense plugged in, which is why a Geoclense in hospitals is really important.
This is because when somebody dies in a hospital, the bioplasmic charge is instantly dissolved.
Can the negative energies of a house affect its sale?
Yes, it can affect the decision making of the potential buyer. Should someone who is electro-hypersensitive view a house for sale with a lot of Bioplasmic Radiation and EMF from electrical and Wi-Fi, they may quite quickly decide not to purchase the property.
We have many clients who work in Real Estate around the world who use the Geoclense to clear the energies in their slow moving real estate stock and has resulted in a quick sale of the property.
When the Geoclense is plugged in and the death energies are cleansed from the house, if the Geocleanse is removed/unplugged, does that death energy return or is it gone for good?
Mold in the House
Does the Geoclense eliminate mold?
The Geoclense can help with radiation from mold, however the Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generator, which is also good for 5G, does a better job of harmonising radiation from mold in a roof cavity.
To eliminate mold, check out our Handheld UV Light Sterilizer
I have a Geoclense at work. Will that offer protection while using computer and laptops etc. or do I need to attach the Mobile Phone & Wi-Fi Radiation Harmonizer?
The Geoclense will cover the devices which are wireless in the house. It is only when you take those devices away from the influence of the Geoclense that the phone harmonisers are needed to neutralize the radiation.
Do I need a Geoclense for both Home and Work?
Yes!!!! What people don’t realize is that ALL workplaces are the most harmful energetic environments.
This is because there’s generally a higher amount of EMR fields from machines, computers, appliances and fluorescent lighting.
The other big energetic influence is Bioplasmic Radiation caused by negative psychic impressions which are electromagnetic imprints created by competitors, non-supporters, disgruntled customers, disgruntled staff and animosity among staff and management.
This negative psychic impression energy is generally not what you would normally experience in the home environment.
I fly regularly to the USA for work. Am I able to take the Geoclense with me and use it there?
Yes, you can or you can take the Aircraft Travel EMF Harmonizer which is a portable version of the Geoclense. All you need to do is use a travel adapter with the Geoclense.
Can you use the Geoclense in other countries?
Yes, It can be used with a travel adapter in any country in the world when you are traveling. The Geoclense is available with the correct electrical plug for every country around the world.
Do I need to take a Geoclense when traveling?
Yes!!! A typical Hotel/Motel room would have had many hundreds of people sleeping in the same bed that you are, potentially leaving emotional and illness imprints in the beds and within the rooms which will interfere with your sleep.
These localized fields over the Motel beds are neutralized by the Geoclense. Some Motels which may be high rise have mobile phone communication equipment on the rooftops very close to the rooms, which create big EMF problems within the building.
An extremely good example of this is where we, ourselves, stay in a Motel while exhibiting at Expos in South Australia. This Motel is of around 12 levels and has mobile phone panels attached to the walls on the 8th and 9th floor.
Without a Geoclense installed in the room during our stay, the room would be virtually inhabitable because of the EMF.
Testing of the Geoclense
Has the Geoclense been scientifically tested and proven in decreasing harmful radiation? How?
Yes! Testing to establish if a harmonizer is working or not must be done with a “real person” to demonstrate that NO Electromagnetic Stress is occurring in the human body against a known radiation field.
Modalities best suited to this are obviously Kinesiology, Bioresonance equipment such as Mora or Bicom, or a Biotensor or Lecher Antenna tool.
Do your products have results that are proven to work?
Yes, all our products are practitioner grade, which means that they satisfy all Kinesiology testing and Bioresonance testing for preventing electromagnetic, Geopathic Stress and Bioplasmtic radiation.
Can you test a Harmonizer with a Gauss Meter or RF Meter?
No, you cannot get a change in the reading using an EMF meter when assessing the effects of EMF harmonizers.
EMF meters read the wave strength, however, they DO NOT accurately indicate the actual positive charged field.
Do your products have results that are proven to work?
Yes, all our products are practitioner grade, which means that they satisfy all Kinesiology testing and Bioresonance testing for preventing electromagnetic, Geopathic Stress and Bioplasmic radiation.
How has the Geoclense been tested and who has tested it?
As the Geoclense is an EMF Harmonizer, it cannot be tested with a Gauss meter or a radio frequency meter. All testing of the Geoclense is done with traditional energy measuring tools such as the Biotensor and Lecher Antenna.
These are proven, traditional building biology scientific instruments designed to measure the effect of 16 EMF on the human body against a known radiation field.
We have also performed many tests in the past using GDV Kirlian Photography. Because the Geoclense is all about neutralizing the effect of EMF on the human body, the Geoclense can be tested using Kinesiology and Bioresonance which is why we are so popular around the world with practitioners who use Kinesiology and Bioresonance equipment.
These modalities always show that the Geoclense does prevent EMF stress in the body, and some practitioners believe that after using a Geoclense for more than a month, the EMF imprinting in the body completely disappears.
It is a known fact that most Bioresonance practitioners will start a treatment by checking and clearing EMF and Geopathic stress imprinting in the body, and do observe that there is generally no EMF and Geopathic stress imprinting with their clients who have been using a Geoclense in their home and workplace.
Comparison to Other EMF Protection Products on the Market
What sets the Geoclense apart from other products on the market?
No other product comprehensively harmonizes over 30 different types of radiation fields including 5G, and no other product comprehensively covers a large area to the boundaries of any property.
What makes Orgone Effects® distinctly different is our pioneering Orgonium Technology (Patent Pending) which is unalike to anyone else’s, our large range of health practitioner approved EMR Harmonizing products, ongoing research into EMR fields beyond the normal, and our intuitive Building Biology house readings and experience.
What’s the difference between the Geoclense and other products on the market i.e: Scalar devices and Orgonite?
The Geoclense can show using Kinesiology protocols and with traditional Building Biology instruments demonstrable change in resonance in respect to different types of EMF fields which is measured by Chinese meridian audits. Scalar products do not have this function.
Orgonite is bipolar in its frequencies and generally looks pretty, however when tested with traditional building biology tools show no EMF neutralizing effects and if anything, may show harmful effects on the human body.
Is it safe to use Earthing products if I have the Geoclense plugged in?
Yes, you can because the Geoclense neutralizes the earth wire and the earth radiation.
Pestrol Plug In VS Geoclense
I have the Pestrol device. Is this device affecting me energetically, and if so, will the Geoclense help counteract it?
Yes, those Pestrol devices create a large toxic EMF field around them, however, the Geoclense will neutralize it.
We tested this device after they started their TV advertising.
Would the use of Pestrol plug-in rodent deterrents effect the use of your Geoclense plug-in/vice versa?
We have purchased and tested the Pestrol with and without a Geoclense. Without a Geoclense they are dangerous because they create a large radiation field of charge around them which is larger than a Wi-Fi field of up to 5 meters from the device.
With a Geoclense there was no radiation charge from the device.
General Geoclense Questions
I meditate regularly, can the Geoclense assist or help with my meditation?
Yes, both the Geoclense and the Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generator definitely helps with meditation.
The frequency of the Geoclense or Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generator are what you would call a ‘spiritual energy’ which means that the negative charge from the Geoclense and Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generator promotes a meditative state, which is also a negative charge energy.
What’s the science behind the Geoclense?
Orgone Effects® products are made from our exclusive and unique Orgonium® Resonance Technology.
All our products produce a negative charge resonance via frequency infusion during the manufacture, which is as close to nature as possible, which are required to successfully neutralize and balance the positive charge resonance; the harmful component of any electromagnetic field.
This process neutralizes any electromagnetic stress on the human body, thus neutralizing the EMF induced meridian, then organ stress.
Where is the Geoclense product made?
The Geoclense is made exclusively by its developer Orgone Effects Australia where our manufacturing facility is on the Mornington Peninsula, Melbourne, Australia.
The Geoclense says that it can harmonize over 30 different types of radiation frequencies. What percentage does the Geoclense neutralize?
Yes, that is correct. In fact, some of that list of 30 the average person has no idea about.
The Geoclense neutralizes the charge from these fields 100%.
We currently have a Geoclense home harmonizer but have recently moved house. Will the home harmoniser still be effective?
Yes, the Geoclense will work in the new house and can be used in as many properties as you like.
For example, we have a Geoclense in our luggage ready for motel rooms when we travel.
We need to buy a new mattress and we are confused about whether mattresses with inner springs act as antennas or contribute to EMR?
If the mattress was subjected to a charged field, then yes, that would be a problem. However, if you have a Geoclense then there are no charged fields.
Can you break a Geoclense?
In theory, no. Because the Geoclense does not contain any electronics, it naturally “feeds” the frequency into the wiring.
If the Geoclense resin engineered smart crystal block is broken, the Geoclense will continue to operate without any compromise.
We have a sewer at the back of the house, will the Geoclense neutralize this?
The sewer line will cause an electromagnetic charge above the ground to about 1.5 meters and is as wide as the line itself which the Geoclense will neutralize.
Can a Geoclense cause a house fire?
No, because it doesn’t contain any electronics which may potentially cause a fire risk.
I have been in fear of radiation can your products help?
The fear, after a period, can manifest as Bioplasmic Radiation in a building, which the Geoclense and Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generators are programmed to neutralize.
Bioplasmic Radiation is as harmful as 5G would be in a building.
The Geoclense and Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generators neutralize Bioplasmic Radiation in a building.
What are the Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generators and Geocleanse made from?
Ionic frequency modulated eco resin.

Is it necessary to order the Car EMR Harmonizer if you would be carrying around a Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generator in your bag?
No, the Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generators can be used in a car.
Will the Stellar Aircraft Disk, Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generator or Pendants offer additional benefit in a car?
You can have a Car Harmonizer, Aircraft Travel EMF Protector or Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generators in a car.
However, the Quantum Orgone Pendants are not enough protection on their own.
How long does the Phone Harmonizer last for?
As our Harmonizer’s energetic qualities do not decay over time, it will last a lifetime.
Can we use the Phone Harmonizer instead of a Pendant for EMF protection?
No, you need a Quantum Orgone Pendant for the body.
If I have a Phone Harmoniser on my phone do I need to wear my pendant?
Yes, because the Mobile Phone Harmonizer is for the phone only, not the radiation from
other sources.
Is the Mobile Phone sticker protecting one’s field 100% from EMF when out and about?
The Mobile Phone Harmonizer is for the phone only. However, they do offer mild EMF
protection when you’re out and about.
Where do I put the Phone Harmonizer on my mobile phone?
Our Mobile Phone Harmonizer is self-adhesive and can be easily stuck directly onto the back of any phone, tablet, or laptop.
As the Harmonizer will last a lifetime, if you wish to continue using the Harmonizer when you update your phone technology every few years, we suggest you do not stick the Harmonizer to the back of your phone, as the adhesive is very strong and you may not be able to successfully remove it without damaging it.
Instead, simply place the whole Harmonizer wafer between your phone and your protective cover and remove when required.
Can I put the Mobile Phone Harmoniser sticker on the back of my mobile and then put my cover over the phone so the sticker will be covered?
Yes, the Mobile Phone Harmonizer is designed so that it fits behind the phone cover.
Don’t stick it on because the adhesive we use when they are manufactured is very strong, and you may not be able to recover it when you change phones.
I hardly use my mobile phone and use earplugs if I do. Do I still need a phone Harmonizer?
Yes!!! Because there is evidence to suggest that the radiation resonance will travel up to the ear buds.
Most likely, you will have your phone in your pocket or hand while talking on the phone with the earplugs.
As soon as someone touches a mobile phone, they are immediately under electromagnetic stress.
Even being near a phone may cause electromagnetic stress on the human body i.e. the phone could be sitting on a desk or a table near you.
I recently bought the AirPods. I have the Mobile Phone Harmonizer sticker attached to my phone, is that giving enough protection when I use them? Are AirPods emitting strong radiation?
The Mobile Phone Harmonizer will also neutralize the radiation from the air pods.
Does the phone harmoniser protect you from 5G if you are carrying it?
The phone harmonizer will protect you from the phone, however, l should still use
either a Quantum Orgone Pendant or Ener-Band if your away from a Geoclense with 5G.
Does carrying a Mobile Phone Harmoniser also protect from 5G if you are carrying it?
The Mobile Phone Harmonizer will protect you against a mobile phone and a 5G
phone, however, I would still use either a Quantum Orgone Pendant or Ener-Band if you’re away from a Geoclense and Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generators with 5G.
Check out 5G Cell Towers Map
Do you recommend I get a mobile phone sticker OR will the Geocleanse protect phone radiation whilst using it in our home?
I always say have a Mobile Phone Harmonizer on your phone regardless of if the
Geoclense is neutralising the phones radiation.
If I work on my laptop at home and have the Geoclense and Dome Schumann Resonance Orgone Generators do I also need a Mobile Phone Harmonizer for my phone?
Yes, always have a Mobile Phone Harmonizer on a mobile phone because you are touching it when in use. As soon as someone touches a mobile phone, they are immediately under electromagnetic stress.
Do I need to put a Mobile Phone Radiation Harmoniser on my laptop?
Yes, the reason for a Mobile Phone Harmonizer on a lap top would be if you were to use it away from a Geoclense, especially if it’s being used wirelessly which creates more EMF stress in the body than no Wi-Fi.
Do you need a Mobile Phone Radiation Harmonizer for the iPhone, cordless phone and iPad?
Yes, any devices that uses radio frequency, WIFI or Bluetooth need to have a Mobile Phone Harmonizer to prevent your organs from EMF stress when you are using them.
Is it beneficial to have the Mobile Phone & Wi-Fi Radiation sticker on all devices in the home that use Wi-Fi i.e. the Wi-Fi router, laptops, Sonos, baby monitor etc., or will these all be covered sufficiently just by using the Geoclense?
If you have a Geoclense then you don’t need individual harmonizers on the devices you have in your home that don’t leave home. Any device like a laptop or tablet that is used away from the home will then benefit with the mobile harmonizers.
How can I make Bluetooth safe to use?
Bluetooth is as bad as having your phone against your head without a mobile phone radiation harmonizer to protect yourself. If you are using a harmonizer on the phone, then the Bluetooth is going to be safe.
The phone sends an energy beam to the Bluetooth device which has a positive charge which is harmful. The Mobile Phone Harmonizer neutralizes that beam to a negative charge, thus making them safe.
Check out Is Bluetooth Radiation Safe?
Is the mobile phone sticker just as effective as a mobile phone protective case against EMF?
Mobile phone cases do not stop the charge which is the harmful component of the EMF. The cases register lower RF readings which means nothing, and they fail all biological testing which is done on a real human. Our Mobile Phone Harmoniser passes all biological testing which is more important.
Can the Harmonizer be tested with a Radio Frequency (RF) meter?
No. Harmonizers of any type, from any manufacturer, cannot be tested using an RF meter. All the testing we do is to determine the effect of the electromagnetic stress on the human body with and without the use of a Harmonizer.
We go to great lengths to prove our technology using traditional testing instruments such as the Biotensor and Lecher Antenna which determine the effects both with and without a Harmonizer on the human organs and meridian pathways.
Orgone Effects Mobile Phone Radiation Harmonizer is very popular with Kinesiologists, Bioresonance Practitioners and Chiropractors worldwide who also employ similar testing techniques and consistently find that the Mobile Phone Harmonizer may be neutralizing the resonant stress on human organs and meridian pathways.
Mobile Phone Harmonizer
How Long Does the Mobile Phone Harmonizer Last For?
As our Mobile Phone Harmonizer’s energetic qualities do not decay over time, it will last a lifetime.
Can You Use a Mobile Phone Harmonizer Instead of a Pendant for EMF Protection?
No, you need a Quantum Orgone Pendant for EMF protection for the body.
if I have a Phone Harmoniser on my phone do I need to wear my pendant?
Yes, because the phone harmonizer is for the phone only, not the radiation from
other sources.
Is the Mobile Phone sticker protecting one’s field 100% from EMF when out
and about?
The phone harmonisers are for the phone only, however, they do offer mild EMF
protection when you’re out and about.
Where do I put the Phone Harmonizer on my mobile phone?
Our Mobile Phone Harmonizer is self-adhesive and can be easily stuck directly onto
the back of any phone, tablet, laptop etc. As the Harmonizer will last a lifetime, if you
wish to continue using the Harmonizer when you update your phone technology
every few years, we suggest you do not stick the Harmonizer to the back of your
phone, as the adhesive is very strong and you may not be able to successfully
remove it without damaging it. Instead, simply place the whole Harmonizer wafer
between your phone and your protective cover and remove when required.
Can I put the Mobile Phone Harmoniser sticker on the back of my mobile and
then put my cover over the phone so the sticker will be covered?
Yes, the phone harmoniser is designed so that it fits behind the phone cover. Don’t
stick it on because the adhesive we use when they are manufactured is very strong,
and you may not be able to recover it when you change phones.
I hardly use my mobile phone and use earplugs if I do. Do I still need a phone
Yes!!! Because there is evidence to suggest that the radiation resonance will travel
up to the ear buds. And, most likely, you will have your phone in your pocket or hand
while talking on the phone with the earplugs. As soon as someone touches a mobile
phone, they are immediately under electromagnetic stress. Even being near a phone
may cause electromagnetic stress on the human body i.e. the phone could be sitting
on a desk or a table near you.
I recently bought the AirPods. I have the Mobile Phone Harmonizer sticker
attached to my phone, is that giving enough protection when I use them? Are
AirPods emitting strong radiation?
The phone harmonizer will also neutralize the radiation from the air pods.
Do you have an anti-radiation air tube headset?
No, we don’t sell air phones as the phone harmonisers do a much better job at
neutralising the charge.
Does the phone harmoniser protect you from 5G if you are carrying it?
The phone harmonizer will protect you from the phone, however, l should still use
either a pendant or Ener-Band if your away from a Geoclense with 5G.
Does carrying a Mobile Phone Harmoniser also protect from 5G if you are
carrying it?
The mobile phone harmonizer will protect you against a mobile phone and a 5G
phone, however, I would still use either a Pendant or Ener-Band if you’re away from
a Geoclense and Stellar Dome environment with 5G.
Do you recommend I get a mobile phone sticker OR will the Geocleanse
protect phone radiation whilst using it in our home?
I always say have a mobile phone harmoniser on your phone regardless of if the
Geoclense is neutralising the phones radiation.
If I work on my laptop at home and have the Geoclense and Stellar Dome, do I
also need a Mobile Phone Harmonizer for my phone?
Yes, always have a harmoniser on a mobile phone because you are touching it when
in use. As soon as someone touches a mobile phone, they are immediately under
electromagnetic stress.
Do I need to put a Mobile Phone Radiation Harmoniser on my laptop?
Yes, the reason for a Phone Harmoniser on a lap top would be if you were to use it
away from a Geoclense, especially if it’s being used wirelessly which creates more
EMF stress in the body than no Wi-Fi.
I work on a laptop all day what am I best to purchase, a wristband or phone
You would be best having a Mobile Phone radiation harmoniser on the laptop rather
than a pendant.
Do you need a Mobile Phone Radiation Harmonizer for the iPhone, cordless
phone and iPad?
Yes, any devices that uses radio frequency, WIFI or Bluetooth need to have a Mobile
Phone Radiation Harmoniser to prevent your organs from EMF stress when you are
using them.
Is it beneficial to have the Mobile Phone & Wi-Fi Radiation sticker on all
devices in the home that use Wi-Fi i.e. the Wi-Fi router, laptops, Sonos, baby
monitor etc., or will these all be covered sufficiently just by using the
If you have a Geoclense then you don’t need individual harmonizers on the devices
you have in your home that don’t leave home. Any device like a laptop or tablet that
is used away from the home will then benefit with the mobile harmonizers.
How can I make Bluetooth safe to use?
Bluetooth is as bad as having your phone against your head without a mobile phone
radiation harmonizer to protect yourself. If you are using a harmonizer on the phone,
then the Bluetooth is going to be safe. The phone sends an energy beam to the
Bluetooth device which has a positive charge which is harmful. The Harmoniser
neutralizes that beam to a negative charge, thus making them safe.
Is the mobile phone sticker just as effective as a mobile phone protective case
against EMF?
Mobile phone cases do not stop the charge which is the harmful component of the
EMF. The cases register lower RF readings which means nothing, and they fail all
biological testing which is done on a real human. My Mobile Phone Harmoniser
passes all biological testing which is more important.
Can the Harmonizer be tested with a Radio Frequency (RF) meter?
No. Harmonizers of any type, from any manufacturer, cannot be tested using an RF
meter. All the testing we do is to determine the effect of the electromagnetic stress
on the human body with and without the use of a Harmonizer. We go to great lengths
to prove our technology using traditional testing instruments such as the Biotensor
and Lecher Antenna which determine the effects both with and without a Harmonizer
on the human organs and meridian pathways. Orgone Effects Mobile Phone
Radiation Harmonizer is very popular with Kinesiologists, Bioresonance Practitioners
and Chiropractors worldwide who also employ similar testing techniques and
consistently find that the OEA Phone Harmonizer may be neutralizing the resonant
stress on human organs and meridian pathways.
Will the Stellar Cabin Disk also protect us from 5G?
Yes, the Stellar Cabin Disk will neutralize 5G.
What are the dimensions and weight of the Stellar Cabin Disk?
65mm diameter, 20mm high and weighs 50grams.
Can I use the Stellar Cabin Disk in my car while driving?
Yes, the Stellar Cabin Disk works very well in cars, not just an aircraft.
I always carry your travel disk when I go out and about. Is it better to have a Stellar Dome?
Yes, the new Stellar Dome will be more effective for 5G and is enough for EMF
protection when you’re out and about.
What is the difference between the Stellar Cabin Disk and the Stellar Dome?
The difference is in the area which they neutralize. The Stellar Dome is to the
boundaries of the property, whereas the Stellar Cabin Disk is around 50 sq. meters.
Is the Stellar Cabin Disk as effective as the Stellar Dome?
The difference is in the area which they neutralize. The Stellar Dome is to the
boundaries of the property, whereas the Stellar Cabin Disk is around 50 sq. meters.
Is the Stellar Cabin Disk the same as the Stellar Dome but smaller? Do they function in the same way? am thinking to get the Disk because it's smaller and I can carry it around, and it's cheaper.
The Stellar Cabin Disk is not as powerful as the Stellar Dome. However, the Disk is
enough for EMF protection when you’re out and about and away from home. The
Geoclense and the Stellar Dome do the same thing, however, the Dome because of its shape, will neutralise radiation from mould in a roof cavity where the Geoclense will not.
Can you carry the Stellar Cabin Disk around inside our bags as protection while we are out, or is it just for protection inside the aircraft cabin?
Yes, you can.
Can I carry an Aircraft Cabin Harmonizer in my handbag for protection in everyday ’out and about’ situations – and not just when flying?
Yes, you can use the cabin disk in your handbag for extra protection while out and
If I get the aircraft harmoniser, predominantly for plane travel, where else can we use it for? i.e. can we sit it on our office table (near our work computers) when not travelling? Can we have it in the car as we drive?
You can use the cabin disk in your hand bag, in the car, or on a table. However, the
Car EMR Harmoniser is more effective than the Stellar Cabin Disk in the car.
I am concerned about wearing Fitbits will the Watch Harmoniser help?
Fitbits are really bad for people because the frequency of the LED along with the
very low frequency EMF usually creates an immune blockage. The watch
harmonizers do a good job of neutralizing the fitbits and preventing the immune
meridian from going into EMF stress and blocking.
Is there anything special about this “sticker”?
The Watch Harmonizier has undergone a frequency infusion which enables it to
produce an opposing negative charge to the watches positive charge, which is the
harmful component of the radiation. The negative charge neutralises the EMF thus
preventing any EMF stress within the body.
Is there a short shelf life for this product?
The harmonizer will not lose its charge, however, the symbol on the back may wear off over time, but that will not interfere with its energetics either.
Can a Smart Watch be harmful without a Watch Harmoniser?
Those fantastic electronic devices do cause the central meridians to block, then
possibly the thyroid, thymus and sometimes the heart.
I have a smart phone watch, will a watch harmoniser protect me?
Yes, you should have a watch harmonizer on the smart watch, as they may be very
Will the watch harmonizer be removable if you stick it on directly?
You may be able to remove it without damaging it, however, the adhesive we use is very strong.
Is the Watch Harmoniser also able to be used on normal watches (quartz style) and not just smart phone or fitness watches?
If I am wearing a battery-operated watch, do I need a watch harmonser?
Yes, a watch harmoniser is a must because it is touching the skin.
What is the diameter of the Watch Harmoniser? Can you trim the harmoniser if it is too big, or will it lose its efficacy?
The Watch Harmonizer is 15mm in diameter and should be small enough for most
Fitbits. If you need to cut it down it won’t lose any of its EMF neutralizing efficiency.
Does the watch harmonizer fit on the back of a Fitbit?
Yes, it is small enough for a Fitbit.
How would the Watch Harmoniser sit on the underside of an Apple Watch device? Is it meant to sit dead center? Will the watch still work with the harmonizer covering the sensors?
No, l wouldn’t put the harmonizer over the sensors. Instead, place it to the side or on the band. Or, cut it in half and then you will be able to place it next to the sensor.
Will the Watch Harmonizer under the Apple Watch affect its performance such as the heart rate monitor?
Is the watch sticker suitable for an apple watch? Will it be compatible & not interfere with charging etc.?
The Watch Harmonizer can’t interfere with its functionality. It will be OK.
Is the Watch and Personal Tracker Harmonizer sticker water proof (shower and swimming pool etc?) I swim and surf with my smart watch on.
The Watch Harmonizer sticker is adhesive backed vinyl material and should remain intact on the back of your device when it gets wet. A better solution considering that you are going to be in the surf with it, would be to wear an Ener-Band instead, which would still protect you from the smart watch.
Will the Watch Harmoniser hold up to direct skin contact for very long?
The Watch Harmonizer sticker is adhesive backed vinyl material and should remain intact on the back of your device when it gets wet.
Will the Watch Harmoniser provide the same protection as an Ener-Band or one of your other products?
Yes, it will provide as much EMF protection as other products like the Ener-Band.
What is the different between the Ener-Soles and the Orgone Ionic Personal Protection Pendant?
There is no difference.
Will the shoe insoles be sufficient for workplace use, or should I purchase the Geoclense Harmonizer for myself (working in an office environment / visiting clients in their homes), and my husband who works in a school environment and is therefore moving around the school grounds throughout the day?
Yes, however the Stellar Dome, which is portable, would be the ideal protection for
you in buildings.
Can I wear socks in my shoes or must the insoles come in direct contact with my bare feet?
Yes, you can wear socks with the Ener-Soles.
How thin are the Ener-Soles are as I require prescription orthotics?
4mm thick.
How do I explain how the Ener-Soles work?
The Ener Soles are energized in our process which gives them a negative charge.
Our reflexology points are connected to our meridian system. The Ener-Soles
negative charge stimulates the reflexology pints on the soles of the feet, helping to
balance meridian energy.
Is there a use-by-date for the Rejuvenation Plates?
No, none of our products have a use by date. They will continue to resonate at a
healthy negative charge.
Are the plates washable?
Yes, they are washable.
Will the plates withstand high temperatures?
No, it will not. It is safe to put a plate of hot served food or a mug of boiled coffee for example, but not a pot straight off the cook top.
Is it best to place vegetables on the plate before cooking or place the bowl or plate of food on the disk after cooking?
If you have a Geoclense Home Harmonizer plugged in the house, we recommend
that you put the vegetables on a plate before cooking. This is because the
Geoclense will neutralize gas and electric frequencies during the cooking process
which may dominate the vegetables with an undesirable positive charge. If you do
not have a Geoclense Home Harmonizer plugged in, we suggest that you cook the
food and then place it on the Rejuvenation Plate. This is because, without the
Geoclense, the electric and gas cooktops and ovens do have an ability to lower the
frequency of food as it is being cooked.
Does a particular colored plate work best for certain things, or do they all offer the same?
We produce a small range of colors to offer choice, however, we’ve experienced
interesting changes in parasite behavior in water with the blue rejuvenation plate.
What number or combination of Rejuvenation Plates are recommended for a typical household?
Generally, people like to have at least 5 large plates for food preparation and general use and at least 5 small plates for beverages etc.
Is it harmful to my pot plants if I have the plate placed underneath a plant?
No, it is not. We have found through our own testing that plants tend to thrive the
longer they are on the plates and also exhibit energetic radiance around the plant.
How long does it take for liquids and food to be energetically charged on the plate?
After a minute, whatever you have placed on the plate should be sufficiently
Is there any harm in keeping items such as water, vitamins etc. for longer periods on the plates?
No, there is no harm leaving items on the plates for long periods of time.
Can you leave water or food etc. on the Rejuvenation Plates for long periods of time i.e. 24/7?
Yes, you can and it won't harm the energetic qualities of the water.
How do you test the effectiveness of the Rejuvenation Plates?
Because the plate uses harmonizing technology, it is very easily tested with the
simple use of a pendulum, or if one has a degree of energy sensitivity, they will be
able to feel the energy when holding the plate in their hand. Other tools such the
Lecher Antenna and the Biotensor will also demonstrate the effectiveness of the
My husband puts the Cloth Harmoniser Patch in his shirt pocket instead of ironing on, so he can transfer the patch from shirt to shirt each day. Will this protect him from 5G and other radiation the same as a Pendant?
Yes, that’s OK being in the pocket will still provide 5G protection. The harmonisers
ability of being an iron-on is just a method of making the product secure for active
people and especially children at school.
To be effective, does the harmonizer patch need to touch the skin? Does it have an effective range i.e. 1 meter?
No, they don’t have to be touching the skin. They are effective for about 1 meter, the same with the pendants.

Does the blanket still work if washed?
Yes. Washing cannot interfere with the blankets energy infusion.
What is the size of the blanket?
1100mm x 1600mm.
Care Instructions for the blanket?
We recommend that the blankets be gently machine washed and then line dried to
ensure that they maintain their wonderful silky soft feel. If you prefer to dry-clean, it is recommended to use a Green Earth Cleaning dry cleaner to ensure no toxic
chemicals are used.
Do you use toothpaste with the ionic toothbrush?
The benefits for using a toothbrush with Ionized bristles is that the negative charge
resonance from the bristles imparts a negative charge to the saliva and toothpaste
which, in turn, attracts the plaque which has a positive charge. This method of
brushing, some claim, is so effective that no toothpaste is necessary. However, we
suggest that you may like to use a toothpaste with anti-bacterial properties that
doesn’t contain any fluoride.
How do I explain to someone how the ionic wand works?
The wand is energized with our process which gives it a negative charge. Meridian
energy has a negative charge also. However, when meridian energy is interfered
with due to another opposing energy such as positive charge from radiation, the
meridian can be re-established by running the wand along the meridian, thus giving
the meridian an energy boost from a frequency which is in harmony with the
meridian, so then the meridian energy is balanced.
Does the ionic wand help clear the energy field of potential entity
Yes, it can, especially if run over meridians such as liver, heart, kidney and crown.
FAQ for Geocleanse Orgone Generators
How Do I Use My Phone, Computer WiFi Radiation Protectors FAQ ?
Frequently Asked Questions about Quantum Orgone Pendants
An Explanation Of Orgone Energy
Orgone energy is another term coined by Wilhelm Reich for Life force Energy, otherwise known as Chi or Schumann Resonance. Orgone Energy produces warmth, which Wilhelm Reich saw as being beneficial for healing human mental and physical conditions.
It was Wilhelm Reich who first invented Orgone Accumulator tools. Orgone is also another name for Negative Ions, which is the vibration or resonance found where nature is at its purest, around waterfalls, the ocean, lush vegetation and in nature. Orgone Energy 'mimics' the resonance of nature. These natural Lei Lines, which are the energy meridians of the planet, produce Negative Ion or Orgone Energy, which is vital for our survival. This is because within an Orgone field, such as a Lei Line, which is around 6 metres wide, there is an abundance of oxygen.
An Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) field caused by electrical equipment or other harmful energies produces hazardous Positive Ions, which depletes oxygen levels. The average person can actually feel through their solar plexus a nice warm energetic feeling when exposed to Orgone Energy. These are the beneficial health-giving effects of Negative Ions on our energy fields.
Do ALL These Radiation Protection Products have BOTH Orgone Energy And Schumann Resonances?
Yes that is correct.
They are ALL made using the same technology, therefore Orgone Energy and Schumann Frequencies goes into all of the high efficacy Orgonium range of protection products. It would not be possible for us to make some of them without one or the other.
The "Science" Behind The Orgonium Orgone Energy Technology
These incredibly effective Orgone Energy and Schumann Resonance products are infused with octaves of frequencies which create a powerful "Negative Ion Resonance" around the Orgone Energy products we produce. This resonance is the healing component of our Orgone Energy products, which extends to around 10 to 200 metres from these Orgonium Orgone Energy products. The frequency octaves we use to create our Orgone Energy and Schumann Resonance products is far superior to the original resonance created by layering, which is now deemed to be out-of-date and old technology.
Positive ions (the bad ions) are the ions we want to avoid, and the ions that occur in cities and built up areas. Positive ions are produced by electrical wiring, electromagnetic radiation, Geopathic stress, cell phones, fluorescent lights, computers, electronic equipment and much other noxious energy. These are the 'bad ions' that we want to avoid or eliminate, which is why we recommend placing Orgone Energy and Schumann Resonance generators in homes, offices and workplaces. The Negative Ions of the Orgonium Orgone Products harmonize and neutralize or cancel out the harmful Positive Ions.
How Do Orgone Products Harmonize And Neutralize Positive Ions Or Negative Energy?
Anything that is missing an electron has a positive charge nor negative energy, such as all Radio Frequencies (RF), microwaves, Earth Magnetic Radiation, Ectoplasm Imprinting, and any harmful Positive Ions. Therefore Negative Ions have a positive energy with neutralize the Positive Ions which have negative energy, by attaching to the negative energy, rendering it inactive or not harmful.
When you say the Dome Orgone Schumann Generators cover 100 meters, do mean 100 meters in a radius? Does it cover 100 meters in a circle from the dome at the center? Are we talking not just a circle, but a 3 dimensional ball of 100 meters?
These high efficacy Orgone Products, particularly the Dome Orgone Schumann Generators, provide a round circular sphere of energy which is an energy ball that goes out in all 10 directions. Yes they provide a circle of cover from the centre of the Dome Orgone Schumann Generators.
If you place the Dome Orgone Schumann Generators on a really hard surface, such as metal, ceramics or wood, then your Dome Orgone Schumann Generators will most likely expand out to their full 100 metres.
The Negative Ion resonance the comes from these protector Orgone Products work by cancelling out the harmful Positive Ions, such as that which comes off your WiFi for example. Therefore a positive and a negative equals neutral.
What Is The Meaning Of The Different Colours For These Orgone Products?
The difference in colours of our amazing Orgone Products do not necessarily mean anything. They are in various colours to give people choice. We used to only offered one colour, and got lots of enquiries asking us to make them in other colours.
Some people however believe that various colours have certain "meanings" or relate to difference Chakras, etc. We do not have any "point-of-view" in relation to the colours of these highly protective Orgone Devices. We offer different colours to provide you with more choice, therefore your colour selection is your personal choice.
What Is The Difference Between Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) And Radio Frequencies (RF)?
Radio frequency is one of the classifications of Electro Magnetic Radiation. How Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR) is classified depends upon its frequency or number of cycles per second (hz). Radio frequency is Electro Magnetic Radiation or EMR occurring anywhere from about 3,000 - 300,000,000 cycles per second.
How To Use An Orgone Energy Or Schumann Resonance Generator
These Orgone Energy and Schumann Generators are a Solid State Negative Ion Generator, which produces a Negative Ion resonance throughout a building or predetermined space.
The Orgone Energy Generator and Schumann Generator is ideal for both indoor and outdoor applications, and they work best by being placed on a hard surface, to enable it to perform at its optimal resonance, providing cover over a large area. These high efficacy Orgone Generators and Schumann Generators are ideal for the vegetable garden, the orchard and the farm, as well as homes, shops, offices and workplaces.
Placing your Orgone Energy Generator or Schumann Generator on top of a refrigerator, which is basically a large steel box, is often the best location to amplify the effects of an Orgone Energy Generator or Schumann generator. This way your Orgone Energy Generator or Schumann Generator can harmonize large areas of noxious energies. An Orgone Energy Generator or Schumann Generator will facilitate to keep the food in the fridge fresher, for longer, by providing a cleaner resonance and also harmonizing and neutralizing the harmful energy, EMR and EMF coming from the motor of your refrigerator.
An Orgone Energy Generator or Schumann Generator will not be as effective if one is placed on top of a hard surface that has a cloth or soft material such as carpet in between. Our Orgone Energy Generator or Schumann will also work well on a timber, concrete, floating floor and on ceramic tiles. For outdoor areas, where the Orgone Energy Generator or Schumann Generator can be used for gardening, composting and for other agricultural purposes, where an Orgone Energy Generator or Schumann Generator can be placed on the ground, or like the indoor applications, and Orgone Energy Generator or Schumann Generator may be placed on top of a concrete slab or a wooden bench.
<span">Phones, Computers, Electronic Devices And Wireless (Wi-Fi) Connectivity
A Geoclense Orgone Generator will protect all occupants of these places who are not using wireless devices but are in their beams, as well as those who are using the wireless technology.
You would only need Phone Computer WiFi Harmonizers for each electronic such as iPhones, wireless technology and computers (which emit their own radiation), only when they are being taken outside of the home, office or workplace, as your Geoclense Orgone Generator will cover all these devices.
For a detailed list of harmful energy that all our our highly effective Orgone products provide protection from please see All Forms Of Harmful Energy Orgonium Orgone Generators Protect You From
How Do You Explain How Orgone Energy And Schumann Resonance Works
These highly protective Orgone products are solid state healthy Negative Ion generators, that cancel out the effects of unhealthy Positive Ions. For an in depth explanation of Positive and Negative Ions, see the Benefits Of Orgone Energy
- Healthier gardens around you home and improves the growth of your fruit, vegetables and herb gardens
- As a meditation tool to promote lucidness and deep meditation by placing your hands hands on the sides whilst meditating
- Better quality and more sound sleep, better ability to recall dreams, and wakening feeling more refreshed in the morning
What Device Would Be Best To Protect Me When I Live In A Large Apartment Building?
For large apartment buildings you most like will require a minimum of a Geoclense Orgone Generator. This is because you will be more prone to having everyone else's Wi-Fi radiation from other apartments coming through, as well as a close density of electrical appliances everyone is using, and there may even an electrical transformer in the actual building.
What Device Would Be Best To Protect Me When I Am Travelling?
Either an Aircraft Harmonizer or a Dome Orgone Schumann Generator would be perfect for keeping you safe when you go out and about, and for travelling on aircraft, and particularly on public transport where everyone is using iPhones and WiFi. For a car, truck, bus or other vehicle, we would highly recommend a Car EMR Harmonizer to plug into the cigarette lighter point to protect the entire vehicle. The Car EMR Harmonizer also comes with USB ports to run your small electronic devices on, or to recharge your iPhone or iPad.
What's The Minimum Time To Leave Liquids In My Orgone Ener-Bottle?
How To Use My Food And Water Ionizer (Orgone Generator Plate)?
You can keep your Brita Water Filter jug on top of your Food Water Ionizer all the time. Or place your wine, water or other drinks, on top of your Food Water Ionizer and leave them to stand for 30 seconds to 10 minutes to energize two litres (or one gallon) or as long as you wish to.
Food Water Ionizers remove all the unnatural man-made frequencies that affect your food, wine and water, as it comes through your pipes into your house (even if you do have tank water!). The Food Water Ionizer rejuvenates the frequency of your food, wine, drinks and water back to the way Nature intended it to be and you will certainly notice the difference. The Water you drink after being it has been energized on one of these Food Water Ionizers will feel far more "hydrating", and you can literally feel the water seeping into all the cells of your body as you drink it, feeling much more refreshed.
The food you eat after having it energized on a Food Water Ionizers will be more bio-available and will nourish you more, as the vitamins and minerals will be more available for your body to absorb more easily. Keep a Food Water Ionizer in your refrigerator or place on on top of your refrigerated food fresher for longer. Also place all food before you consume it on top of your Food Water Ionizer for 5 to 10 minutes, especially if your food has been cooked in or on electrical appliances.
Which side should the Water Ionization Orgone Generators be used or does it not make any difference?
It does not make any difference which side your Large or Small Orgone Generator plate is facing as it makes no difference whatsoever which side you use or choose. The amazing Schumann Resonance and Orgone Energy Generator resonates an incredible sphere of energy around them from 20 metres to 80 metres depending on their size, and depending on how hard the surface is that they are placed upon.
Are the Orgone Enregy Plates heat-proof to put hot pots and plates on them?
These Orgone Energy Ionization Plates are NOT heat-proof therefore you cannot place hot pots and plates directly on them. Place something heatproof over the top of them first before placing anything hot on them.
Note that are BPa free therefore you can place them in drinking water.
What Is The Difference Between The Dome Orgone Generator And a Geoclense?
You would require two Orgone Energy Generator Domes to do what one Geoclense does. However, the Geoclense would be far more effective than two the Orgone Generator Domes as it is designed to work differently.
These Orgone Generator Domes are more suitable for a one room office, a clinic or therapy room that do not require a large area to be harmonized and are designed for small areas, such as 20 to 50 metres.
The best Orgone Device to cover your entire home, office building or work place is the Geoclense. The Geoclense will totally protect your who property to it's boundaries whether you are on a quarter of an acre in the city, more than a 500 hundred acre farm in the country, or an entire office building no matter how many floors there are.
Is there a difference between the Dome Schumann Orgone Generators?
All of these highly effective Orgonium Orgone Energy products are both Schumann Generators and Orgone Button Devices, as they are all infused with all of these energy frequencies. These highly protective Orgone Dome Generators are also Schumann Generators, and are often referred to as "Space Clearing Domes". The only difference is the colour that they come in which is to give you a choice.
Can Wind Turbines Be Harmonized And Neutralized?
Will my Quantum Orgone Pendant, Aircraft Orgone Generator, Orgone Energy Chi Dome and my Geoclense Orgone Generator harmonize and neutralize air pollution and electromagnetic pollution from wind farms and windmills? We have many wind turbines here that are a huge controversy replacing hydro-electricity and are causing illness to some people?
Wind Turbines are a real cause of the health issues is very low electromagnetic frequencies (VLF). This is because all wind farms are over VLF zones, and no one is yet aware of the energetic interference caused. It is the actual area that is severally affected by VLF where they locate Wind Turbines that is the issue, and not the Wind Turbines themselves.
These protective Orgone devices totally harmonize and neutralize this harmful energy, and they are the only Orgone products on the market so far that are designed to deal with VLF, as not many people are aware of the effects of VLF yet, nor know how to remove the effects of it.
This would also apply to Hydro Electricity although Hydro Electricity has been about for a long time, and their generators are often in locations away from population in most countries. Note: Wind Generated Electricity is neither green nor are they environmentally friendly. Find out by getting the movie "Windfall" based on a town that did their research and found wind was not "green energy"!Can These Orgone Products Be Used As Rainmakers?
The Food Water Ionizer is a large Orgone Energy Generator or Schumann Generator which can also be used as a Rainmaker, as can all of our Orgone Generators and Schumann Generators. We have had severe drought conditions here in the Goulburn Valley, Country Victoria, with very little rain here for some 25 years.
Several people around the region have been using our Orgonium Orgone Energy Rainmakers for the last two years, and ever since have seen much more rainfall. Since March 2010, we have been experience normal rain and for the first time, the Waranga Basin near Rushworth has filled up for the first time in 25 years.
Do The Orgonium Water Ionizer Plates Create Structured Water?
Structured water is water as it is naturally found in Nature. All the Orgonium Orgone Products, including your Geoclense Negative Ion Generator do a far better job of returning all the water on your property to the way it is found in nature, including your tank water, water in your pipes to your taps and any water in your home. They also completely harmonizes and neutralizes all your black water and grey water. So far no other ionizing, energizing or rejuvenating products have beaten these Orgonium Orgone Products for doing this as explained on this blog post: Dyne Surface Tension Of Orgone Ionizer Plates?
Do OOrgone Generators And Schumann Generators Actually Work?
All of these incredible Orgone Schumann Generators are Orgonium Harmonizers. Orgonium Harmonizers are solid state Negative Ion Resonance Generators, which convert hazardous electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and transform harmful Positive ion fields into healthy Negative ion fields. This technology is based on the Orgone Life Force principals discovered by the Austrian American Scientist Wilhelm Reich on the 1950's, and is also know as 'Orgonomy'.
Orgonium Orgone Energy technology is the closest to the original Orgone that Wilhelm Reich discovered. Our Orgonium technology is totally unique technology developed, who is constantly researching and refining this technology, and its intended uses are continued to be used around the world on a daily basis. We are also extremely Energy Sensitive. Due to our Energy Sensitivity, we have been able to develop and fine-tune this amazing range of extremely effective Orgone Energy and Schumann Resonance Protection products, to provide incredible Energy Healing cures.
I have a Dome Generator and it is on my refrigerator. It fell off the top of the refrigerator onto a tiled floor and has a chip out of it. Will my Orgone Dome still work?
This will not affect your Dome Generators performance in any way whatsoever. It is NOT possible to knock out the Orgone Energy or Schumann Frequencies from these protection products as most of these are added before the resin is set. Dropping, chipping, fading or cracking does not affect the performance of these protective products.
The same applies to our Orgone Energy Pendants if you drop and chip them too. They will still continue to work perfectly, providing you with the same protection even if they are chipped.
As in nature, serenity with imperfections. Slight imperfections actually increases and enhances the ability of these Negative Ion resonance generators to work more effectively.
Do the Dome Orgone Schumann Generators eliminate mould in the refrigerator?
Mold in your refrigerator is due to high amounts of moisture there due to condensation. Try placing your Dome Generator on top of or inside your refrigerator for a while.
Please note your Dome Generator will not remove mold that is already there (you will be required to wash that off). It will stop the build up once is it thoroughly removed. Your Geoclense is the best protection product for reducing mold, as many of our customers have discovered.
Does Having Two Orgone Generators Together Double The Field Strength Or Will The Field Strength Be The Same?
No having two does not double the field as it will be the same. As in Nature, only a certain amount of Negative Ion Resonance can occur in any one space at any time. For example, two Aircraft Travel EMF Protectors is not better than one and you do not get double the benefits. You may risk over energizing yourself, making yourself hyperactive, and may affect your ability to rest, relax and sleep. However, the cross over effect can increase the harmonization of particularly nasty energies such as Smart Meters.
What would be best for my Family's needs?
- Geoclense for a) your home, b) your children's schools and university (via our Second Address Programming)
- A Car EMF Orgone Generator for each vehicle
- Two or three Food Water Ionizer Orgone Generator Plates, or
- Two Dome Orgone Generators - one for your Refrigerator and the other for your Smart Meter
- An Orgone Pendant or an Aircraft Harmonizer for each family member
- A Phone Computer WiFi Radiation Protector for each electronic device used away from where your Geoclense is located
What Is Orgonite and is it safe?
Orgonite produces a harmful positive ion electromagnetic field, which has no neutralizing affects on sources of Earth Magnetic Radiation due to the fact that it actually ends up accumulating the harmful Positive Ions it is supposed to be protecting you from, and then eventually generates these back to you.
Orgonium produces only a negative ion field, due to being solid stated Negative Ion Resonance Generators. The unique Orgonium technology is NOT related to Orgonite. Orgonite in all forms is known to create bi-polar magnetic fields, which is dangerous to human health, and has absolutely no beneficial effect on earth grids broadcasting negative polarity and Electromagnetic Radiation.
Where Are These Products Are Made?
All of our products are Australian made by our Product Manufacturer mostly from bio-compatible resin unless otherwise stated. Our Orgone Products are made in Australia, although we source our Orgone Blankets from China due to that country being the largest source of Bamboo in the world. We guarantee that our products actually do what we claim they do 100%, and that our Orgonium do what we way they do as shown in our independent research that they do.
Orgone Energy products are the most effective Orgone Energy Protection products on the world market today as far as we are aware. If you do not get the results that you and your family desires, we will work with you to completely eliminate any harmful energies that are affecting you and your family, so that you get the results you are looking for. Many customers have verified this in their Geocleanse and Orgone Product Reviews you can view Geocleanse and Orgone Product Reviews
How Long Will The Orgonium Products Last For?
The technology that goes into Orgonium Orgone Energy Schumann Resonance infusion of these Orgone Protection Products will last your entire lifetime and the lifetime of your next generation, depending on the actual product, what it is designed for and what it is made from.
Do My Orgone Products Require Cleaning Or Energy Clearing?
Your highly effective Orgone products will not ever require clearing. This is because these Orgonium Orgone Products are solid-state Orgone generators, so they would not ever accumulate harmful Positive Ions, like crystals do for example. They will continually work to provide you with a total protection around you wherever you go.
How Close Can The Orgone Schumann Generator Dome Be Placed To My Computer?
If you feel that the room where your computer is requires further harmonization, due to feeling a lot worse than other areas of your home, then placing a Dome Orgone Schumann Generator there will provide you with greater protection from the harmful energies generated by computers.
You can place your Orgone Schumann Generator Dome right on your computer if you wish, or beside your computer on the desk as it has an energy field of 30 to 50 metres. The Dome will completely counter-act all radiation and EMF coming from your computer and any wireless radiation, as well as heal you. It does not have to be a certain distance away.
What Is The Difference Between Each Geoclense For Each Country?
The only difference between our Geoclense Orgone Generators is the power point plug for each country they are designed to for. There is no difference in the programming or in how they work for each country as they are all designed to work the same way.
Otherwise if would be inconvenient for our customers to receive Australian Geoclense Orgone Generators in other countries, and then have to go out and buy power point plug adaptors. Therefore we make them with power point plugs for any country, so that they are ready to plug in right away when customers receive then, so customers are not inconvenienced with having to get adapters.
I Accidently Dropped My Orgone Generator And It Has A Couple Of Chips Out Of It. Will It Still Work? I Want To Place It On My Smart Meter. Will The Weather Harm It?
Dropping your Orgone Generator will not affect how it works, nor will having a few chips out of it. In fact, it will improve how it works - as in Nature - Serenity With Imperfections! The Energy Infusion is within the bio-compatible resin so this cannot be lost by dropping it.
One of our Aircraft Travel EMF Protectors which we always carry with us every where we go got chipped. Since that happened, we have found it to be even more powerful, so you will find this too with your Dome Orgone Generator!
If your Smart Meter is on your house, it would be perfectly fine to place your Dome Orgone Schumann Generator on the other side of the wall from it, such as in the corner of the room, as long as it is on a very hard surface such as wood, ceramic, concrete or metal. It will reach out to around 80 to 100 metres, so as long as your Smart Meter is within this area, it is being protected. It will not hurt it to be out in the weather, however, it is not heatproof so if it gets very hot, it may fade, discolor or warp.
What Is The Weight And Size Of The Aircraft Harmonizer Orgone Generator?
It weighs approximately 30 grams. It is approximately 50 mm in diameter x 20 mm high (1 1/4 inches in diameter x 2/3 inches). Provides a 30 metres (99 feet) energy field of protection.
The specifications of all our products is at the bottom of each product description. Double click on the blue heading of the product summary to find this.
Do you have an idea what the range of effectiveness of the Dome Schumann Orgone Generator is put inside a bag or purse?
How big is the diameter of the large and the small Ionizing plates?
All this information is clearly described in the full product descriptions when you open them on our website. Scroll down to the bottom of the Product Description and you will see all this information for yourself at:
Large Water Ionizer Plate Dimensions: 160 mm in diameter X 3 mm high or 6 1/3 inches in diameter x 1/8 inch high Weight: 90 grams
Small Water Ionizer Plate Dimensions: 100 mm in diameter x 3 mm or 3.9 inches in diameter x 1/4 inch Weight is approximately 20 grams
Would you have any suggestions for a protocol of clearing crystals using your products?
All our Orgone Products will clean crystals. The best way to clean them is to place them on one of our Orgone Energy Plates to clean them.
Otherwise place them besides your Orgone Energy Dome or Aircraft Travel EMF Protector on a very hard surface and that will do the same thing. Leave them overnight for the best results.
Which EMF Device Will Measure Harmful Energy And Orgone Devices?
There are no testing devices that can test everything our Orgone Products do on the world market! In order to test our Orgone Products and ask the correct questions see the information below. Our Orgone Products need to be Medically tested or best tested using bio-feedback such as with Kinesiology.
To best understand this, please read EMF Meters And Testing Orgone Products There is no EMR, EMF or RF Device that can measure all forms of harmful energy.
These specific devices only measure one form of harmful energy, either EMR, EMF or RF, which is only a tiny fraction of what these Orgone products protect you from. Please note that Orgone Energy and Schumann Resonances actually harmonize and neutralize all forms of harmful energy such as EMR and Geopathic Stress, and these will not magically disappear or not exist any longer.
Therefore, they will still show when tested with such a device, with the Geoclense Negative Ion Generator plugged in and switched on, as you need to understand how Negative Ion Resonance cancels out the harmful effects of these, as you will read in the the above article. EMR, Geopathic Stress and other forms of harmful will still be there when you measure it, however, you are measuring or testing it using an incorrect or an inaccurate method. These Orgone Products are harmonizing and neutralizing all forms of noxious energy.
These highly protective Orgone Energy products are constant Negative Ion Generators. It is these Negative Ions that protect you from all forms of harmful energy just as find in nature, including all forms of EMR, Geopathic Stress, and more. For a more extensive list of harmful energy, that these Orgonium Orgone Products protect you from see: Harmful Energy List Orgonium Orgone Products Protect You From
Is There A Way To Shield Or Block The effects Of My Dome Generator?
Does Wrapping It With Plastic Or Aluminium Foil Work? To a small extent. However, even this would not completely stop the Orgone Energy and Schumann Frequencies from penetrating it, as you would have to place it in a very thick strong metal box that is completely sealed to do this, or relocate your Dome Orgone Generator to another property as previously advised. Orgone Energy and Schumann Resonances will penetrate all substances including solid walls and plastic of any kind.
Unless you have a very thick solid metal box that is completely sealed, you will not be able to stop the Orgone Energy and Schumann Frequencies from your Dome Orgone Generator from work. Your best option would be to lend it to a friend to use at their home, or leave it at work for a period of time, if you really wish to notice any differences with your Dome Orgone Generator not being at your home, office or workplace.
However, even this would not completely stop the Orgone Energy and Schumann Frequencies from penetrating it, as you would have to place it in a very thick strong metal box to do this, or relate your Dome Orgone Generator to another property as previously advised. Schumann Resonance is the natural energy that is generated by our Planet and is something the continues to always resonate, whether these frequencies are infused into our high efficacy Orgone Schumann Products or come naturally from Earth.
In man-made unnatural environments, such as our cities, we are severely lacking in Schumann Resonance due to the high amounts of harmful Positive Ions that cities accumulate. Why would you wish to block the natural energy from the Earth. Without this your DNA cannot replicate and you would not be able to live!
Can Orgone Energy Blankets Be Used for With Healing Products?
These unique Orgonium Orgone Blankets do not contain any layers of steel wool or dangerous aluminium filings. Therefore will be absolutely no interfere with any therapeutic devices you may be using including your Scenar handheld device, The Ultimate Zapper or Lasers. These incredibly effective Orgone Blankets are totally safe to use whilst watching television, using a computer or any other electrical devices.
We always keep on one on our office chairs, where we sit on it every day working on our computers online, reducing the stress levels from the body as we work. The highly protective Orgone Blanket will not interfere with crystal wands or anything energetic either, and in fact, will clean them and clear them of the harmful accumulation of Positive Ions they acquire, assisting them to work better so that they will be more beneficial for healing. Using any other forms of energy healing, Eeman Bio Circuits, crystals, wands or any other form of healing will be totally safe to use whilst you are using your Orgone Energy Blanket.
What Is The Best Protection For Someone Who Is Electro Hyper Sensitive?
For someone with Electro Hyper Sensitivity (EHS) we would highly recommend that they install a Geoclense Negative Ion Generator in their home, a Dome Orgone Generator on their Smart Meter, and that they carry an Aircraft Travel EMF Protector which provides 30 metres of personal space protection, that they can carry with them everywhere they go. Anyone within the vicinity of the range of this 30 metres that these Orgone Products cover would also be protected. See Are you Electro Hyper Sensitive Or Do You Suffer From EHS
What Orgone Devices Would Be Best Used For Gifting?
The Aircraft Travel EMF Protector or the Dome Orgone Generators would be the most effective Orgone Devices for gifting, if you wish to Gift Orgone. This Orgone Travel EMF Protection is idea as it provides you will 30 metres of Personal Space Protection from wherever it is located. However if you wish to Gift Orgone over a large area, the Dome Orgone Generators can cover up to 100 metres by being placed on a very hard surface wherever you are gifting.
Earth Magnetic Radiation And Grid Lines
An Earth Magnetic Grid Line is a standing wave of Earth Magnetic Radiation, which generally runs in the north south, east west direction at varying widths and spacing. The most common types of Earth Magnetic Grids are the Benker Grid and the 400-meter grid. The Benker grid is 1100mm wide and is seven (7) metres apart. The 400-meter grid is 6 metres wide and is 400 metres apart. These grid lines emanate upwards to the Ionosphere and are polarized to the noxious Positive Ion energy.
These grid lines where once called the Crystal Grids, which resonate to negative ions. However, due to our electrical systems the polarity of the grids worldwide, these have now been changed to positive ions. The harmful energy from the grids can be completely neutralized and harmonized back to benefical Negative ions with our Schumann Orgone Generators and Geoclense Negative Ion Resonance Generators.
What are Imprints And Imprinting?
Imprints are harmful energy fields that are created by us, with our negative thoughts and the emotions these invoke. They generally occur in beds, chairs, furnishings and in houses and cars. These Imprints may contain our past life information that can be passed onto us if we spend time on them. They can also pass on other people's past life information to us that may manifest as an illness or behaviour patterns from the person from that past life
There are two types of Imprints:
1. Personal Imprints, which are a mild noxious energy field, and Malevolent Imprints, which has a much heavier harmful energy fields. Imprints can be removed utilizing a Geoclense Orgone Generator, an Orgone Energy Generator or a Schumann Generator, along with using specific affirmations to clear and dissolve them.
2. Death Imprints contain harmful Positive Ions, and Birth Imprints which contain beneficial Negative Ions.
What Are Spirit Lines?
A Spirit Line is a harmful energy line and imprint that indicates that someone has passed away either in the house or nearby. Open Spirit Lines often allow ghosts and other spirit forms to continue to energy your home, office or buildings, until the Spirit Line is closed to stop more spirit forms from entering.
An imprint is the actual place that the person passed and the spirit line emanates out from the Solar Plexus from the Imprint. Spirit Lines and their Imprints can be dissolved with Geoclense Orgone Generator, Orgone Energy Generator or Schumann Generator activation, but it should be done with respect to the spirit that has left the imprint.
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