Amazonite Benefits

Amazonite Benefits

Discover the powerful benefits of Amazonite! From emotional balance to physical healing, this striking blue-green gemstone offers a unique way to invite positivity into your life. Learn why Amazonite jewelry is becoming a popular choice for holistic wellness in our in-depth guide at Orgone Energy.

Discover transformative Amazonite benefits! This calming gemstone that promotes balance, reduces stress, and enhances emotional well-being. 

Amazonite is an eye-catching blue-green gemstone that has been used in crystal healing since ancient times. With its powerful vibration, this uniquely colored stone is said to bring harmony and balance both in physical and emotional realms, making it a splendid choice for those who wish to add more positivity to their lives.


In this blog post, we’ll explore some amazing benefits of Amazonite – from physical healing properties to spiritual protection – and discover why so many people are choosing Amazonite jewelry as a unique form of self-care. 

Amazonite and Health


Amazonite Ring

In terms of the human body, Amazonite supports your efforts to achieve a healthy lifestyle and good health. The healing properties of Amazonite can help with chest, lung, throat, and sinus problems. It is also known to combat calcium deficiency, cavities, and osteoporosis. People who grapple with gout, liver issues, and heart-related problems can also benefit from this stone’s healing energies. The same goes for brain and nervous system health problems.


Beyond physical well-being, Amazonite stimulates your metabolism and promotes deep, restful sleep.


It has been shown to be effective in treating certain addictions, including alcoholism. That is why Amazonite crystal is sought after and desired by many. The concept of having such a beneficial stone nearby to alleviate the challenges of poor health is great at first, but what’s even better is how Amazonite can help bring about a constant feeling of cleansing and healing. 


Amazonite also works very well to block electromagnetic pollution from devices like cell phones and geopathic stress radiation.


This keeps your vibrational energies very light and clear, allowing positive energies to be easily drawn to you!  Since ancient times, religious healers have adorned their sacred spaces with Amazonite and other suitable stones or placed Amazonite directly on the skin of those affected.

Fortunately, you don’t have to be a spiritual healer to experience the positive energies that Amazonite can offer. Often, simply having Amazonite gemstones at home is enough to attract beneficial and healing energies that cleanse the environment. Even the air will be cooler, akin to the refreshing effect of having a house plant around the home.

Similarly, if you often suffer from headaches or feel tense in stressful situations, keep Amazonite handy in your purse or on your desk at work. This will help you ground yourself and offer clarity of thought.


Amazonite and Wealth

 Amazonite Tower

Amazonite, dubbed the Stone of Abundance and Success, has the power to attract good fortune and luck to those in your possession of it. This quality makes it a favored companion for those who enjoy gambling, as it is believed to attract money, good luck, and overall prosperity. Beyond its mystical attributes, Amazonite promotes practicality.

This stone encourages the understanding that wealth doesn’t solely result from accumulating more assets; rather, it emphasizes the significance of making practical decisions and purchases that contribute to saving money.

Amazonite stone has a peculiar yet wonderfully welcomed influence on the mind. Echoing the wisdom of the old saying, “cooler heads prevail”, the characteristic greenish-blue tones of the Amazonite stone have a soothing and calming effect.


Surrounded by the calming energies of Amazonite, you will consider major decisions with greater clarity, avoid impulsive spending, and adopt a more mindful approach to your finances, including planning for unexpected events.


Thanks to its similarity to jade, Amazonite once again appears in a rather valuable light, not to mention the value of the stone itself. For some, the stone’s aesthetics alone spark financial ambitions, as many are drawn to the desire for a taste of life’s finer things. However, the balance between heart and mind, drive and long-term vision is where Amazonite truly excels. 



Managing your finances often comes down to knowing when to save and when to spend, much like the pursuit of wealth and career success requires knowing when to move forward and when to exercise patience. The clarity of thought promised by Amazonite works wonders here, so keep it on hand when you can.

Amazonite, Love, and Relationships


 Amazonite Bracelet 

Amazonite is an invaluable stone if you want to express sentiments to a loved one. This gemstone is truly excellent in terms of non-verbal expression. A certain level of closeness is necessary to know what the other person is thinking. If you haven’t reached this point yet, don’t worry. 

Your Amazonite stone will ensure this is the case, bringing you and your partner closer, and facilitating a deeper and profound love than ever before.

Amazonite can also relieve feelings of irritation, which are detrimental to your well-being and your relationship. Rather than dwelling on the ways your partner may irritate or anger you, the stone encourages a shift in focus to the numerous reasons you love them and feel fortunate to be in a relationship with them. Amazonite is a remarkable stone, as it can also relieve emotional trauma. 

While it is often said that time heals all wounds, the powerful influence of a stone like Amazonite can expedite the healing process.

Amazonite’s energies also help you control your temper so you don’t get angry easily. If you’ve been in a long-term relationship, there will also be a lot of things that you argue about or are annoyed about. Occasionally, it’s the little, unimportant things that can trigger frustration.

Amazonite helps you stay calm and be less irritable towards your loved one. 

This gemstone will also give you a feeling of balance. You won’t always have everything under control and uncertainty may prevail. Sometimes, life can become overwhelming, but losing your composure isn’t the solution. Instead, focus on regaining the lost balance, and you’ll find the strength to rise again. Amazonite is your ally in achieving this!

Amazonite’s energy will make it simpler for you to convey your feelings, addressing concerns, expressing happiness, or sharing the thoughts that keep you awake at night.


Amazonite empowers you to express yourself fearlessly, whether through words or non-verbal communication, but you will definitely express yourself more freely and confidently! This stone will dispel fear from your heart and replace it with enthusiasm and joy.

It will guide you to honor your pain and face your loneliness. This will clear the cobwebs of confusion from your mind. It will help you learn where your pain comes from and how you can overcome it.

Amazonite will inspire you to trust your intuition. Sometimes, you just have to listen to your gut without the need for explanations. Additionally, it prompts you to embrace and appreciate the joys in your life.

Count your blessings, as there are numerous things to be grateful for and countless aspects that contribute to making life truly worthwhile. Remember to actively celebrate and honor these blessings.


Amazonite encourages you to accept love with open arms.


 It’s about believing in love, even after everything bad that has happened. Resist closing your doors on love due to a broken heart or a challenging relationship. Not every experience will be dreadful, and it won’t always end in tears. You just have to go through the bad times so that when the good things finally come, you can appreciate that person more!

Your Amazonite stone ensures that your heart does not become a heart of stone. 

This will make you believe in the arrival of love and all you have to do is to be patient along the way. Amazonite also removes any traces of negativity from your system. After all, nobody wishes to be around a negative Nancy. This will prevent you from excessive worry, constantly expecting the worst, and always thinking there is a punchline or catch.

Amazonite stone will help enhance your self-love and self-esteem. 

With Amazonite, you will appreciate yourself and the people around you more. This will help you find happiness and comfort in your relationship.

This stone encourages you to be more supportive and loving, honest and optimistic.

Recognized as the stone of hope, Amazonite emphasizes the importance of retaining hope in both love and the person you love, even during challenging times. Don’t lose hope simply because the present moment is difficult.

What Does Amazonite Attract?

Amazonite Sphere

While not a traditional birthstone, Amazonite is said to attract balance and self-discovery for those born between March 20 and April 19. It promotes healthy equilibrium and stability. The stone is believed to soothe emotional wounds, dissolve negative thoughts, and increase physical stamina.

At its core, Amazonite is about communication, truth, courage, and balance. By integrating it into your routine, you will enjoy the abundant benefits of this lush green stone.

When to Use Amazonite Crystals


Amazonite Crystal

You can use Amazonite crystals during moments when you need to address sensitive issues that have hurt or worried you. Whether you are navigating personal challenges or communicating with someone with whom you find it difficult to express yourself, Amazonite is a valuable ally.


This crystal creates a secure space, empowering you to openly share your truths without the fear of retaliation or judgment.


This attribute is crucial in the aftermath of painful experiences, creating an environment not only for survival but also for resilience and personal growth. By incorporating Amazonite into your communication practices, you establish a foundation for navigating difficult conversations with authenticity and emotional safety.

How to Use Amazonite for the Best Results

Amazonite stone heart 

Amazonite gemstone is a versatile and beautiful crystal that is used for a wide range of purposes. Some of the most common applications of Amazonite gemstone include:


Adorn yourself with the beauty of Amazonite jewelry, appreciating its captivating color and distinct properties. This crystal is often selected for necklaces targeting the heart chakra, as well as bracelets and earrings, promoting a feeling of healing in your throat chakra for balance and calm.

Decorative Objects

Infuse your living spaces with the captivating beauty of Amazonite, extending its decorative applications beyond jewelry to vases, sculptures, and various objects. Renowned for its exquisite color and distinctive texture, Amazonite is a popular choice for bringing a touch of natural beauty to any environment.

Whether sculpted into intricate sculptures or incorporated into everyday objects, Amazonite enhances the aesthetics of your space with its innate charm and unique visual appeal.

Meditation and Spiritual Practices

Due to its soothing and calming properties, Amazonite is often used in meditation as well as other spiritual practices. It is widely embraced for its ability to induce tranquility and peace, making it the perfect tool for those seeking to deepen their spiritual practices.

Its properties create a harmonious atmosphere, promoting a sense of calmness that becomes an invaluable asset in elevating the depth and intensity of your spiritual journey.

Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, Amazonite is revered for promoting balance and positive energy in the home. Strategically placing it in the southwestern area of your home promotes love and relationships, creating an atmosphere for emotional connection.

Alternatively, placing Amazonite in the eastern area promotes health and well-being as it aligns with Feng Shui principles that emphasize the importance of balanced energies for overall well-being within your living space.

How Do You Care for Amazonite?

Amazonite Raw Stones

Keeping your Amazonite crystal clean will ensure that it continues to give you the clarity you need to live in your full truth. Since it works wonders at absorbing negative energies, you don’t want to let it be ruined by all the detrimental influences it accumulates with it on the go.

Regularly cleansing your stone, particularly after particularly challenging periods, can ensure that your crystal always remains infused with love and in a positive flow.

To cleanse and clear your crystal effectively, simply run it under warm water for a few moments and then gently pat it dry. As a water element, Amazonite responds well to this straightforward process, quickly restoring its clear and vibrant appearance.

Aside from keeping it clean, consider charging your Amazonite crystal to enhance its potency.


Amazonite responds beautifully to the warm embrace of the sun.


So next time you feel the golden rays on your face, just place your Amazonite stones or jewelry in a place facing the sunlight and allow nature to rejuvenate its energy.

However, be careful not to leave it in the sun for too long. Although it thrives on radiant summer energy, spending too long in the sun or a quick change in the stone’s temperature can have a ripple effect on the vibrant blue-green color.

How Do I Activate My Amazonite Stone?

Amazonite Necklace

You can activate your Amazonite by exposing it to sunlight for a few hours. This process will infuse your crystal with the specific energy you have in mind. To harness Amazonite for relaxation and stress relief, focus on these intentions as you place your crystal and its natural properties will align with this purpose.

Additionally, you can activate your Amazonite through smudging, meditation, or by incorporating it into a crystal grid.

Final Thoughts on Amazonite Benefits


Amazonite crystal


The benefits of Amazonite cannot be ignored. From its stunning beauty to its powerful healing properties, this gemstone has so much to offer.

Whether you're looking to improve your communication skills, alleviate stress and anxiety, or simply add a touch of positivity and balance to your life, Amazonite is the perfect stone for you.

Amazonite's connection to nature and ability to open the heart chakra brings a sense of peace and harmony that is invaluable in today's fast-paced world. 


Take advantage of all that Amazonite has to offer and enhance your life with its transformative energies. At our online store, we offer a variety of high-quality Amazonite products, including necklaces, bracelets, rings, towers, spheres, crystals, and stones.

With just one click, you can bring the power of this magnificent gemstone into your daily routine. Let this beautiful crystal become your daily companion and guide you towards a more balanced and positive life filled with love and light. The possibilities are truly endless with Amazonite by your side.