These 159 Chakra Affirmations Will Balance Your Energy Today
The seven chakras are responsible for the energy flow through our body. When they are aligned and open, we can bring forward inner wisdom, love, and power very easily to everything we do. When they are closed, it can lead to mental and physical stagnation. To start any of these affirmations, close the eyes and take a few deep breaths.
Slowly breathe in allowing your belly to expand followed by your chest so that your lungs are completely full of air. Take about five seconds to do this. Now pause, hold the breath for five seconds. Finally, slowly breathe out over the course of five seconds using your diaphragm to push out the remaining air. Repeat this process several times to deepen your relaxation.
Root Chakra
We will focus on some affirmations to support a healthy root chakra. Our goal is to increase a sense of grounding and stability. If you like, you may assume Guyan Mudra. This is a hand position performed by joining the index finger and thumbs in a circular position allowing the other fingers to fall free, breathe here for a moment. We will now recite affirmations to support a healthy root. For each of the following affirmations, I want you to recite the words aloud.
- I am present and mindful
- I am grounded
- I am connected to my physical body
- I am secure, stable, and balanced
- I am a master of my own body
- I attained success in all areas of my life with ease
- I have a solid foundation
- Lifeforce energy flows freely through me
- I connect with the earth and all other living things
- My body is full of vitality
- I am physically comfortable and aware in my surroundings
- I stay physically fit through proper exercise
- I nourish my body with replenishing foods
- I am persistent and courageous
- I have the motivation I need to accomplish my goals
- I can rely on my instincts for self-preservation
- I have the tools I need to survive
- I connect with myself as a sexual being
- I connect with my body through movement play, dance, and exercise
- I deal with challenges and conflicts with a constructive and calm mind
- I respect and trust myself and others
- My passion burns strongly
- I listen to my body’s many messages regarding my well-being
- I have a healthy relationship with material things
- I am secure and safe
This concludes our affirmations to support a healthy root chakra. Now take a moment to reflect which of those statements you most connected with and which of those statements you least connected with. The goal is to fully connect with each of those statements as they are innate qualities of our divine selves and can be accessed through our root energy.
Sacral Chakra
Now we will focus on some affirmations to support a healthy sacral chakra. Our goal is to reconnect to our creative emotional and sexual selves. If you like, you can assume Dhyani Mudra. This is a hand position performed by placing both hands, palms up in your lap. The left hand should be underneath with the fingers of the right hand resting on its palm, gently joining the tips of the thumbs. Breathe here for a moment. We will now recite affirmations to support a healthy sacral chakra.
- Emotion flows freely through me
- I accept help when I am in need
- I nurture those in need
- I work harmoniously in groups
- I relate to others with ease
- I accept and respect myself and others, exactly as we are
- I build healthy relationships
- I communicate my needs clearly
- I find new exciting ways of expressing myself every day
- I enjoy expanding my boundaries
- I experience balanced relationships
- I am hopeful and optimistic
- I connect with my ambition and inner joy, and love for myself
- I express my emotions clearly and with ease
- I am a divine expression of the infinite whole
- I use my creativity to express my individuality
- I connect with my true sensual desires
- I express my sexuality in a healthy way free of guilt
- I express my emotions without being overbearing
- I am outgoing and passionate
- I connect with myself as a sexual being
This concludes our affirmations to support a healthy sacral chakra. Take a moment to reflect which of those statements you most related with and which of those statements did not resonate. The goal is to fully connect with each of those statements as they are innate qualities of our divine selves you can access any of these traits through your sacral energy.
Heart Chakra
We will focus on some affirmations to support a healthy heart chakra. Our goal is to increase our compassion and unconditional love for ourself and others. If you like, you can assume Guyan Mudra, a hand position performed by joining the index finger and thumb in a circular position allowing the other fingers to fall free. Do this with both hands then place the back of your left wrist on your left knee and bring your right hand in front of your heart palm facing away from you breathe here for a moment. We will now recite affirmations to support a healthy heart chakra.
- I fully receive the good the universe is sending me
- I dedicate myself to my personal growth
- I am worthy of all that is good in this world
- I do my best to heal those around me
- I actively seek to heal myself
- The light in me honors and recognizes the light in others
- I find ways to be true to myself without causing pain to those around me
- I consider how my actions affect others
- I am full of compassion and self-love
- I can give to others without depleting myself
- I connect to others on a deep profound level
- It is through my vulnerability that I show my strength
- I accept help and support when I am in need
- I support and give to others freely
- I release hurts of love and past traumas
- I forgive myself and others with ease and from a place of compassion
- I can fully love others unconditionally
- I am grateful for all of life’s many blessings
- I see others just as they are and love them unconditionally
- I give and receive health and love in equal measure
- I am friendly and compassionate toward myself and others
This concludes our affirmations to support a healthy heart chakra. Take a moment to reflect which of those statements you most connected with and which of those statements you least connected with. The goal is to fully connect with each one of those statements as they are innate qualities of our divine selves and can be accessed through our heart energy.
Throat Chakra
Now we will focus on affirmations to support a healthy throat chakra. Our goal is to open our center for clear communication and self-expression. If you like, you can assume Granthita Mudra. To do this, clasp your hands together with your left thumb on top then without moving the fingers pull the palms and thumbs apart to form a sphere with your hands. There should be an opening between your right thumb and your left index finger, this represents the throat. If it is comfortable, you can raise your hands in this Mudra up to your actual throat but it is unnecessary. Breathe here for a moment.
- I feel no attachment to the reactions my words elicit
- I use my words as advice and encouragement to others
- Communication enhances the love expressed and felt through my heart
- I don’t fear how my words will fall on the ears of others
- I express my truth courageously
- My outward expressions are aligned with my inner feelings
- I experience inner peace
- I use my body language to reflect my intentions
- I speak honestly and tactfully
- I listen to the meanings behind the words of others
- I use my voice to share respect, truth, wisdom, and truth
- I am fully present when others are speaking
- I feel at ease with whom I am
- I feel a sense of peace, clarity, and calm
- The forms of expression I use are limitless
- I am a confident communicator
- I am true to my word
- I listen to subtle communication
- I use creative forms of expression to show others who I truly am
- I can express myself with ease
- I listen to understand others before saying my piece
- I express myself clearly and authentically
This concludes our affirmations to support a healthy throat chakra. Are you ready to reflect on them? Which of those statements did you most connect with and which of those statements did you feel no connection to. The goal is to fully connect with each one of those statements as they are innate qualities of our divine selves and can be accessed through our throat energy.
Crown Chakra
Before starting this routine, it is important to take a moment for some introspection. Once that is done, you can now focus on affirmations to support a healthy crown chakra. Our goal is to connect with our spirituality. If you like you can assume Akasha Mudra. To do this, join the thumb and middle finger on both hands respectively keeping the other fingers straight. You may rest the backs of your wrists on your knees breathe here for a moment. At this time, we will recite affirmations to support a healthy crown chakra.
- I achieved balance and peace
- I transcend life’s roadblocks to achieve more meaningful goals
- I joyfully step into my place as part of the whole
- I release my ego with ease
- I feel complete and joyous
- I am empowered and able to take on my rightful responsibilities
- I search for truth by questioning everything
- I understand my purpose as a part of the whole
- I trust my intuition to guide me in fulfilling my purpose
- I connect with my higher self
- I embrace my spirit which is finitely expressed in human form
- I acknowledge my existence as a divine being
- I have faith and a truth beyond my human perception
- I understand my soul’s purpose on this earth
- I identify with my higher self
- I am open and receptive to new information
- I connect with myself as a spiritual being
- I am one with all living things
This concludes our affirmations to support a healthy crown chakra. Please take a moment to ground yourself. Now take a moment to reflect which of those statements you most connected with and which of those statements still feel out of your reach. The goal is to fully connect with each of those statements as they are innate qualities of our divine selves and can be accessed through our crown energy.
Third Eye Chakra
Now, we will focus on affirmations to support a healthy third eye chakra. Our goal is to open up to our intuition and ability to tap into higher consciousness. If you like, at this time you can assume Kalesvara Mudra. To do this, point your hands away from you and join the tips of your middle fingers followed by the first two joints of your index fingers. Allow the pinky and ring fingers to bend inward without touching. Finally, join the tips of your thumbs and point them toward your chest. If it is comfortable, bend your elbows outward, breathe here for a moment. At this time we will recite affirmations to support a healthy third eye chakra.
- I occupy my mind with thoughts which will serve my highest good
- I believe in the power of thought
- I make my dreams a reality
- I work to understand the interconnectedness of all living things
- I access deeper knowledge through understanding myself
- I understand the benefits of challenging and joyful experiences
- I am at peace with whom I am
- I seek out experiences which serve my highest good
- I see beyond the tangible
- I see clearly with my inner eye
- I turn my focus inward for a deeper understanding
- My understanding and perception are constantly expanding
- I am loving and tolerant
- I can see the world through the eyes of another
- I feel safe relying on my intuition
- I trust my own beliefs and thoughts
- My memory is strong
- I utilize the power of observation
- My mind is clear, enhancing my ability to understand
- I work toward
- I use the power of visualization to create the goals
- I use the power of perception to see the world around me
- I am a conscious creator of my reality
- I utilize my intuition to visualize the outcome of situations
- I see things clearly on an intuitive, moral, and physical, moral level
- I have vivid dreams and remember them clearly
- I am in touch with my intuition
This concludes our affirmations to support a healthy third eye chakra. Now let’s take a moment to reflect which of those statements resonated with you and which did not. The goal is to fully connect with each one of those statements as they are innate qualities of our divine selves and can be accessed through our third eye energy.
Solar Plexus
We will now focus on affirmations to support a healthy solar plexus chakra. Our goal is to rebuild our sense of confidence and personal power. If you like, you can assume Hakini Mudra. This is a hand position performed by gently joining all your fingertips in front of you yet keeping the palms apart. Breathe here for a moment. At this time, we will recite affirmations to support a healthy solar plexus chakra.
- I live fearlessly
- I control my reaction to life around me
- I do not feel the need to control others
- I am comfortable with the fact that I only have control over this moment
- I am creative, optimistic, and respect myself fully
- I use logic to manifest my desires and dreams
- I experience new things every day
- I listen fully to others
- I feed intellect and thirst for knowledge
- I understand situations as they truly are
- I am confident in the value I provide to others
- I set healthy boundaries to protect myself and others
- I choose to rise above fear
- I am connected to my strength, courage, and personal power
- I resolve all conflicts peacefully
- I remain calm in seemingly chaotic situations
- I use my “gut feelings” as a compass
- I live authentically
- I am outgoing, happy, and peaceful
- I operate with a calm mind in all situations
- I use my personal power to help me expand and grow
- I make powerful decisions in a timely manner
- I live with a sense of dignity
- I am in control of my life
- I am a powerful person
This concludes our affirmations to support healthy solar plexus chakras. Now take a moment to reflect which of those statements you most connected with and which of those statements you not connected with. The goal is to fully connect with each of those statements as they are innate qualities of our divine selves and can be accessed through our solar plexus chakra.
Slowly let your awareness expand to your immediate surroundings as you return fully to your body and when you are ready, open your eyes take some time to journal on your experience, focus on the affirmations you felt lease connected with and consider ways in which you can behave to make them feel true to you. Keep a running list and commit to one act a day to reclaim any lost parts of yourself.
While reciting these affirmations, it is helpful to have an item such as the Quan Yin Schuman Frequency Generators in your home. It helps to raise the etheric energy of any room. This frequency generator is infused with Orgone Energy and Schumann Resonance frequencies which harmonize the body’s Chakra and Aura energetic systems.