Negative Ion Generator DIY
Today’s modern world is overstuffed with positive ions. Air conditioners, electronic devices, computers, lighting, and certain building materials emit positive ions into the air. They can cause depression, irritation, tiredness, and other problems. So balancing ionization of your home or office is important for productivity and health.
Negative ion generator - also known as an air ionizer - is designed to purify the air by utilizing high voltage to charge air molecules electrically. In the medical field, it has been proven that the gathering of negative ions in the air by the body can be beneficial contrary to the accumulation of positive ions. The lack of negative ions is the main cause of many abnormalities in the body's organism. Negative ions help to contribute to a happier mood, fresher air, and general health benefits. This article will show you a simple way to build a circuit to generate negative ions.
How to Make a Negative Ion Generator?
If you have ever been around a tube TV, cathode ray, Tesla coil, or even on a trampoline, you have likely noticed that ‘static’ electricity smell. We say ‘static’ because negative ions are usually produced by ‘streamers’ of electricity searching for positive particles. In a negative ion generator, a high voltage source positive side is grounded, while the negative side is usually attached to a pronged antenna. The antenna creates negative ions as it lets the “streaming out” of the negative voltage.
The Circuits Part
There are two (2) simple circuits for generating negative ions (we have more, but we are only covering the most effective and easiest). The first circuit utilizes power from a metal antenna, a voltage multiplier, and the mains. The second circuit utilizes a metal antenna, a driver circuit, and a flyback transformer. Generally, the first circuit is more effective, but the second circuit can run on lower voltages, making it a portable option with fewer parts required.
Circuit 1
To build the first circuit, you will need 3.3M 1-watt resistors, 1N4007 diodes (20x), 3nf 1000V polyester capacitors, 68nf 1000 volts capacitor (1x), and a 33nf 1000V polyester capacitor (1x), a metal antenna will also be needed. You can make the antenna from any ‘pointy’ metal. You can also hack your fan into an antenna by simply attaching metal nails to their blades, and you can produce a spinning effect using a rotary conducting surface.
Circuit 2
The second comprises a metal antenna, two resistors, an NPN transistor, and a flyback transformer. You will need an electronic supply outlet or an old tube TV in order to take out the components from. Open up the TV carefully utilizing a screwdriver particular to your TV’s screws. Once opened, first cut the red wire connecting the suction cup to the flyback transformer; a large black ‘thing’. Ensure insulated cutters are used in this process. Now, discharge the flyback transformer using a piece of insulated wire by shorting the large red wire to the ground.
Typically, the flyback transformer holds a charge, just like that seen in a Leyden jar. It is always a safety precaution and a smart idea to discharge them, even though it is not likely to be a very lethal shock. Now you can desolder the flyback transformer from your TV circuit board. Now identifying the pins is the tricky part. Set your voltmeter to “beep when shorted” and begin testing the pins. Once the voltmeter beeps, check the resistance. If it is around 0.6 to 1, you have found a primary coil. Solder 2 wires to these terminals and leave loose for later. Now, you have to wrap a feedback coil, which comprises about six turns of insulated wire.
The Circuit
To build the circuit itself, simply extract the NPN transistor from your TV circuit. To identify and check the pins, turn the voltmeter to a diode setting and follow the following steps. Once you have identified the transistor pins, desolder and identify the 27-ohm resistor, and the 220-ohm resistor. Now you can build the circuit.
Once finished, carefully test it out. The large red wire must arc to a pin on the transformer. The pin is the ground, so note its location. The antenna must be the same as it’s in circuit one; they both have similar functions. The output ought to be DC depending on the flyback transformer. It is quite rare to find a un-rectified flyback transformer unless a very old TV was used.
The metal antenna must produce a little purple corona streamer when turned on if the right output was attached. You can switch the red wire for the ground if streamers are not produced. Once the “streamer output’ has been identified, take the second wire and ground it.
How do You Make Negative Ions?
You can find negative ions in high concentrations, especially around the natural environment. Some negative ions are made by cosmic rays, slamming into the air and spreading their energy into molecules or atoms. Others are made by certain natural radioactivity emerging from the earth, bolts of lightning spewing ions from the atmosphere. Additionally, ocean waves and waterfalls contribute their share.
What Does a Negative Ion Generator do?
Negative ion generators purify the atmosphere, thus leaving the room healthy particularly for those suffering from impaired immunity, asthma, respiratory ailments, or allergies, without too many allergens flowing in the lungs. It can clean a room from dust, cigarette tobacco, industrial pollution, and others. It relies mainly on the chemical properties of particles and interacts with the particles using an ion. When a negative ion generator is used in a room, these ions spread all around the room to seek those particles that are positively charged like mold, dust, dander, bacteria, chemical vapors, smoke, pollen, and other allergens.
Negative ions are very attractive to the positive particles, thus making them quite heavy to float where they can be inhaled easily. When negative ions are created, the ozone is also created. It counters this pollution by simply breaking it down into harmless, smaller elements. Unlike many amplifiers that are fan-driven, negative ion generators conserve power and run silently. Additionally, since it has no physical filters, there are virtually no parts that require regular replacement. This is an advantage a negative ion generator has over other air purifiers. A faint breeze is usually created by ionization which aids the distribution of ions all over the room, even though most negative ion generators don’t have a motorized fan.
Can Negative Ions be Harmful?
Negative ions aren’t harmful as they are quite different from radiation rays. On the contrary, negative ions have an invigorating and refreshing effect. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, negative ions stop the growth and reduce the number of airborne bacteria, dust mites, mold spores, etc. (by 95%). They also remove dust particles from the air and even remove chemical pollutants and cigarette smoke.
Negative ions also increase oxygen flow into the brain, leading to more mental energy, decreased drowsiness, and higher alertness. Another study found that negative ions strengthen the body’s immune system, improve metabolism, reinforce skin collagen, and strengthen autonomic nervous functions. Negative ions in the bloodstream speed up the delivery of oxygen to our cells and tissues and speed up oxidation of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) in the blood. This is well-known to have far-reaching effects on sexual drive, pain relief, and mood. (John Heinerman Ph.D)
Studies by Soyka, negative ions decrease the production of the neurohormone serotonin that causes nightmares and sleeplessness, which helps you have healthier and better sleep. Positive ions trigger the overproduction of serotonin, which results in emotional, mental and psychological depression, anxiety, and stress. Negative ions reduce their production, resulting in the successful and natural treatment of these conditions.
Positive ions in the bloodstream have a negative effect on metabolism rates, weaken immunity and contribute to premature aging, while negative ions have the opposite effect. The famous alkaline diet is based on this effect: acidic foods produce positive ions, alkaline foods – negative ions.
What is the Best Negative Ion Generator?
Most negative ion generators on the market primarily use ozone to clean the air rather than ions. While ozone options are good for eliminating airborne pathogens and odors, and may also incorporate ion generation, they are harmful for extended periods of use, especially where you sleep or work. If you are looking for a powerful negative ion generator without ozone, the Geoclense Home and Workplace Harmonizer is a top high-density option.
To learn more about the Geoclense, click here!
The Geoclense is a healthy, negative charge resonance field generator specially designed to balance the unhealthy and noxious positive charge resonance created by 5G and all forms of Earth Radiation, Wi-Fi, RF, EMR, and Bioplasmic Radiation. It dominates the electrical system with a healthy negative charge resonance so that the subsequent unhealthy positive charge resonance of all EMR fields created by electrical appliances, Wi-Fi, etc. emit a negative charge frequency which is in harmony with the human biofield, thus neutralizing any electromagnetic stress on the body. The Geoclense represents 20 years of Intuitive Building Biology Consultancy experience and intricate knowledge of the types of harmful electromagnetic fields that may exist within a given space.