Shungite vs Hematite: Which is Right for You? - Orgone Energy Australia

Shungite vs Hematite: Which is Right for You?

Shungite and hematite are both natural stones with health benefits, but which is right for you? 
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Shungite and hematite are both natural stones with health benefits, but which is right for you? 


What is Shungite?



If you haven’t heard of shungite, you aren’t alone but you are missing out! Shungite is a unique and intriguing mineral that has gained popularity for its potential healing properties and ability to neutralize harmful energies and substances.

With its deep black color and non-crystalline structure, Shungite is found only in a specific region of Russia known as Karelia, making it a rare and sought-after stone worldwide.

It is believed to possess exceptional electrical conductivity, which is attributed to its high carbon content.


This versatile mineral has been explored for various purposes, such as water purification, protection against electromagnetic radiation, and even potential medical applications.


Whether you are interested in the metaphysical properties of crystals or looking for ways to enhance your overall well-being, Shungite is worth discovering and considering as a powerful and holistic resource.

What is Hematite?


Hematite Bracelet

Hematite is a mineral that is classified as an iron oxide. It has a strong metallic luster and is typically black or silver-gray in color.

One of the key qualities of hematite is its high iron content, which ranges from 60% to 70%. This makes it a valuable ore for the production of iron and steel. Another notable quality of hematite is its hardness, which ranges from 5.5 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale, making it a relatively durable mineral.

Hematite has various uses due to its unique qualities. In addition to being one of the primary sources of iron, it is also used as a pigment in paints and dyes.


Hematite's distinctive colors, ranging from blood red to brownish-red, make it a popular choice for jewelry and decorative purposes.


Its high density makes it suitable for use as a weighting agent in drilling fluids, and it is also used in the manufacture of ceramics and polishing compounds.

The top five countries with the largest deposits of hematite are:

  1. Australia: Australia is the largest producer of hematite, with vast reserves located primarily in Western Australia.
  2. Brazil: Brazil is another major producer of hematite, with significant deposits found in the Iron Quadrangle region.
  3. China: China has substantial hematite deposits, particularly in the provinces of Liaoning, Hebei, and Shanxi.
  4. India: India is known for its extensive hematite reserves, mainly located in the states of Odisha, Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh.
  5. Russia: Russia also possesses large hematite deposits, particularly in the Ural Mountains and the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly.

Hematite is a valuable mineral due to its high iron content, durability, and distinctive colors. Its uses range from steel production to pigments, jewelry, and drilling fluids. 

The Differences between Shungite and Hematite



Shungite Tumbled Stone


Shungite and Hematite are two distinct stones with unique properties, colors, and origins.


Understanding their differences is essential in determining which stone is best suited for specific purposes.


Shungite is a black, lustrous stone that originated in the Shun'ga village of Karelia, Russia. It is known for its high carbon content, which gives it unique properties.


Shungite possesses excellent electrical conductivity, making it popular in grounding and balancing energy practices.


It is also renowned for its ability to absorb and neutralize electromagnetic radiation, making it useful for protection against the harmful effects of modern technology.

Shungite's black color adds an aesthetic appeal to jewelry and home decor items.

On the other hand, Hematite is a metallic gray to black stone that commonly occurs worldwide.

It is primarily composed of iron oxide and is renowned for its grounding and protective properties.


Hematite is particularly helpful in absorbing negative energy and transforming it into positivity.


Due to its magnetic properties, Hematite is often used in magnetic therapy for pain relief and improved circulation. Furthermore, its reflective quality adds a touch of shimmer and elegance to jewelry.

Shungite for EMF Protection

When it comes to specific purposes, Shungite is best suited for shielding against electromagnetic radiation and providing energetic protection.


It is an ideal choice for individuals frequently exposed to electronic devices or seeking a more balanced and grounded state.


Hematite, on the other hand, is excellent for grounding, protection, and amplifying positive energies.


Hematite energizes the physical body, aids in concentration, and enhances the willpower.


While both Shungite and Hematite offer unique properties, colors, and origins, their specific characteristics make each stone better suited for particular purposes.

Whether seeking protection from electromagnetic radiation with Shungite or looking to ground and energize with Hematite, these stones offer distinct benefits for various needs.


Physical Characteristics of Shungite


Elite Shungite 


Shungite is a unique, carbon-based mineral that has gained popularity for its potential healing properties and use in various industries.

In order to fully understand and appreciate this extraordinary mineral, it is essential to explore its physical characteristics.

This section will delve into the key aspects of Shungite's physical composition, appearance, and texture. It will highlight its carbon content, which is significantly higher than most minerals, making it an excellent conductor of electricity and enabling it to interact with electromagnetic fields.

Shungite contains fullerenes. Fullerenes are spherical molecules composed entirely of carbon atoms, arranged in a cage-like structure. Fullerenes have unique electrical, optical, and mechanical properties, making them valuable in fields such as medicine, electronics, and materials science.

Additionally, the unique structure of Shungite, consisting of fullerenes and other carbon-based molecules, contributes to its distinctive look, often featuring a dark black color with a metallic luster.


The texture of Shungite can range from smooth and polished to rough and coarse, depending on the specific type and grade.


By examining the physical characteristics of Shungite, one can gain a deeper understanding of its properties and potential applications in various fields, from healing and wellness to environmental protection and technology.




Shungite Tetrahedron



Shungite is a unique mineral that comes in different colors, each with its own significance. The main colors of shungite are black, gray, and silver.

Black shungite is the most common and is considered to be the strongest and most powerful form. It is said to absorb negative energy and provide protection.

Gray shungite is a slightly lighter shade and is believed to have a balancing effect, harmonizing energy and emotions.

Silver shungite, also known as elite shungite, is the rarest and most valuable form. It has a metallic luster and is believed to have a strong energy cleansing and healing effect.


To determine the color of the streak when rubbing shungite against a harder sample or a white porcelain surface, you can follow a simple method.

Firstly, choose the part of the shungite that you want to test. Rub it firmly against the selected surface, applying enough pressure to create a streak.

The color of the streak left behind will vary depending on the color of the shungite.

For example, black shungite will leave behind a black streak, gray shungite will leave a gray streak, and silver shungite will leave a silver streak.

When examining elite silver stones, there may be cracks present, and these cracks can contain various minerals.


Some potential minerals that can be found in the cracks of elite silver stones include pyrite, quartz, mica, and feldspar.


These minerals add to the uniqueness and beauty of the elite silver shungite.

Shungite comes in different colors, including black, gray, and silver, with each color holding its own significance. The color of the streak left behind when rubbing shungite can be determined by using a simple method of rubbing it against a harder surface or white porcelain.

Elite silver stones may contain cracks with minerals such as pyrite, quartz, mica, and feldspar, which enhance their visual appeal.



Chemical Formula


Hematite, a common mineral, has a chemical formula of Fe2O3. It is mainly composed of iron (Fe) and oxygen (O), with two iron atoms for every three oxygen atoms.

This chemical structure gives hematite its characteristic reddish-brown color and metallic luster. Hematite is known for its high iron content, making it a valuable source for iron extraction.

On the other hand, shungite is a unique carbon-based mineral with a chemical formula that primarily consists of carbon (C).


Although the exact composition of shungite may vary, it typically comprises up to 98% carbon.


This low-density mineral is thought to have formed over billions of years, often found in regions of Karelia, Russia.

Shungite's carbon-rich structure allows it to conduct electricity, making it highly prized for its potential electromagnetic shielding properties and use in various industries.

In summary, the chemical formula for hematite is Fe2O3, consisting of iron (Fe) and oxygen (O), while shungite is a carbon-based mineral primarily composed of carbon (C).

Physical Characteristics of Hematite


Hematite, a mineral widely recognized for its distinctive metallic luster and rich reddish-brown hue, has captivated both scientists and jewelry enthusiasts for centuries.

Its physical characteristics go beyond its mesmerizing appearance, as hematite possesses a range of unique features that set it apart from other minerals.


From its high density and hardness to its characteristic streak and magnetism, hematite exhibits properties that both intrigue and amaze.


By understanding these physical traits, we can gain a deeper appreciation for hematite's beauty and its diverse range of applications in fields like jewelry making, geology, and industrial processes.



Shungite Sphere


Shungite, a unique mineraloid found primarily in Russia, comes in various colors, with the most common hues being gray, silver, and black. These colors are directly influenced by the amount of carbon present in the stone.

Gray shungite, also known as low or Type III shungite, contains the lowest carbon content of around 30-50%. This type appears lighter in color compared to its counterparts and is often characterized by streaks and patterns.



Elite Shungite


Silver shungite, or elite shungite, boasts the highest carbon concentration, up to 98%. It exhibits a metallic sheen that gives it a silver-like appearance. The abundance of carbon in silver shungite contributes to its remarkable electrical conductive and protective qualities.

The unique silver color of elite shungite adds immense value to the already rare mineraloid. This variety, comprising only about 1% of all shungite deposits, is highly sought after for its exceptional properties.


Its high carbon content allows for effective absorption and neutralization of harmful substances, making it an excellent choice for water purification and electromagnetic radiation shielding.


Moreover, its rarity and aesthetic appeal make elite shungite a prized collector's item.



In conclusion, the colors of shungite, including gray, silver, and black, vary based on the carbon content within the stone. Among these colors, the silver variety holds exceptional value due to its rarity, high carbon concentration, and unique properties.

Crystal System



The Crystal System plays a pivotal role in understanding the properties and behavior of minerals such as hematite. Hematite, a popular mineral renowned for its unique properties, belongs to the trigonal crystal system. Understanding the crystal system of hematite aids in comprehending its physical and chemical attributes.

The formation of hematite can occur through two processes: primary or tertiary. In the primary process, hematite is formed directly along with the other constituents of the rock. On the other hand, in the tertiary process, hematite is formed as a result of the alteration of pre-existing minerals.

Hematite is known by various alternative names in different cultures, including bloodstone, kidney ore, and red iron ore.


Its most recognizable characteristic is its deep red color, which ranges from a metallic dark gray-red to a lighter brick red.


Additionally, hematite exhibits a hardness of 5 to 6 on the Mohs scale, making it relatively hard compared to other minerals.

The crystal system, specifically trigonal, of hematite is crucial in understanding its properties and formation processes. Its alternative names, deep red color, and relatively high hardness further contribute to its distinctiveness.

By considering these facts, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of hematite and its significance in various applications.

Chemical Formula


The chemical formula of hematite, an iron oxide mineral, is Fe2O3. The formula indicates that each unit of hematite consists of two iron (Fe) atoms bonded to three oxygen (O) atoms.

Hematite is commonly found in nature as a red or reddish-brown mineral. It is the main ore of iron and is known for its prominent reddish color when powdered.

On the other hand, the chemical formula of shungite, a unique carbon-based mineral, is primarily composed of carbon.


Although there is no specific chemical formula for shungite, it mainly consists of amorphous carbon with small amounts of other elements present.


Shungite is sourced from a rare deposit in Russia and is believed to have formed over billions of years. It is known for exhibiting unusual properties, such as electrical conductivity and fullerenes formation, due to its carbonaceous composition.

The chemical formula of hematite is Fe2O3, indicating its composition of iron and oxygen. Shungite, on the other hand, predominantly consists of carbon but lacks a specific chemical formula.

Both minerals possess distinct properties that make them significant in various fields, such as iron production in the case of hematite and potential applications in science and technology for shungite.

Magnetic Properties


Hematite and shungite are two minerals with contrasting magnetic properties. Hematite exhibits paramagnetic properties, meaning it becomes weakly magnetized when subjected to an external magnetic field, whereas shungite lacks any magnetic properties altogether.

Hematite, a form of iron oxide, comprises iron atoms capable of undergoing a slight alignment with an applied magnetic field. As a result, it develops a weak magnetic moment, causing it to be attracted to magnets.

This unique property has led to various applications for hematite. For instance, its ability to align with magnetic fields makes it extensively used in compasses, where it functions as a reliable indicator of direction.

Additionally, hematite's magnetic behavior has made it suitable for magnetic recording media, such as computer hard drives, where data can be stored magnetically.

On the other hand, shungite possesses no magnetic properties. However, this mineral is renowned for its protective and healing characteristics.


Shungite has been attributed with the ability to absorb and neutralize electromagnetic frequencies emitted by electronic devices.


This quality has made it popular as a protective shield against the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation in the form of EMF blockers for cell phones or EMF shields for homes and workplaces.

Furthermore, shungite is believed to possess healing properties, promoting physical and emotional well-being by balancing energy levels and harmony.

While hematite exhibits paramagnetic properties and finds applications in compasses and magnetic recording media, shungite's lack of magnetic behavior allows it to protect against electromagnetic radiation and provide healing properties.

Protective Properties of Shungite and Hematite

Shungite Harmonizing Rods


Shungite and Hematite are two naturally occurring minerals that have gained attention for their potential protective properties.

Shungite, found primarily in Russia, is renowned for its unique composition of carbon. It is believed to possess qualities that shield against harmful electromagnetic radiation emitted by electronic devices.

Hematite, on the other hand, is a metallic mineral consisting of iron oxide. Hematite is revered for its ability to ground and protect the wearer from negative energies, providing a sense of stability and strength. 

Black Stones & Negative Energies


Tumbled Shungite 


Black stones are widely recognized for their powerful abilities in dealing with negative energies. These stones act as a protective barrier, shielding individuals from the harmful impact of such energies.

Black stones have the unique capability to absorb and transform negative energies into more positive and beneficial forms.


They possess an inherent ability to purify one's aura, recalibrating the energy field and promoting a sense of harmony and balance.


There are various black stones commonly used for this purpose, each with their own characteristics and benefits.

Some popular choices include black tourmaline, obsidian, and onyx.


Black tourmaline is well-known for its grounding properties and ability to repel negative energies.


Obsidian, on the other hand, helps to uncover and release any emotional blockages, facilitating transformative experiences.

Additionally, onyx is said to absorb and transform negative energies, providing a sense of stability and protection.

Black stones play a crucial role in navigating and managing negative energies. Their protective barrier and transformative properties make them invaluable tools in purifying and harmonizing our energies.


By utilizing these black stones, individuals can create a safe and positive environment, free from the influence of harmful energies.