Orgone Energy Australia
Phone Computer Bluetooth WiFi Radiation Protection
Combat the most common cause of EMF radiation with our Phone Computer Bluetooth WiFi Radiation Protection.
Protect yourself with the Phone Computer Bluetooth WiFi Radiation Protection. This all-in-one EMF protection sticker shields you from the radiation of electronic devices, blocking out up to 95% of harmful radiation. Enjoy safe use of your favorite electronics without the risk of radiation exposure.
These highly protective Phone Radiation EMF Protection now even combats electromagnetic radiation (EMR) which comes off the digital screens of iPhones which are known to cause dizziness, nausea, migraines, headaches, and hair loss.
This highly effective Phone Radiation EMF Protection provides you and your loved ones with maximum radiation protection, while at the same time preventing the ill effects of DNA damage and the formulation of brain tumors, and works in a far superior way to any shield can.
How To Use These Highly Protective Cell Phone Radiation Shields
Designed to Eliminate The Effects Of Radiation Emissions
These powerful Phone Radiation EMF Protectors are designed to eliminate radiation emissions by harmonizing and neutralizing the effects of this harmful energy, rather than shielding or blocking them, these create a healthy life-force chi by constantly generating beneficial healthy Negative Ions.
This reduces the heat you feel in your head whilst using your cell phone, mobile phone, cordless phone, iPhone, wireless devices, and Bluetooth.
This product provides you with total phone radiation protection and is suitable for all iPhones, wireless devices, Bluetooth, computers, iPads, and baby monitors and are more effective than any other product which act as a "shield" as they harmonize and neutralize the harmful effect, rather than attempt to block - which only leads to generating more radiation.
Do Cellphones Hurt Your Health?
Unfortunately for all of us that are on our phones 24/7, research has shown that cell phones and electronic devices can be harmful to health.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified cellphones as 'possibly carcinogenic.'
In addition, an Australian study has shown that there may be a link between cell phones and male infertility.
This study showed a decrease in sperm mobility and viability as a result of cellphone exposure.
EMF Phone Harmonizer Testing and Research
How To Use These Highly Protective Cell Phone Radiation Shields
All our Orgone Energy EMF protection products produce a negative charge resonance, which is as close to nature as possible.
This is vitally important because electromagnetic fields produce an unhealthy position charge which can have negative effects on your physical and mental health.
Orgone Effects® products are made from our exclusive Orgonium® process and will last a lifetime.
Our full range of harmonizing products have been field-tested and proven to be effective, and are recommended and distributed worldwide by Accredited Health Professionals such as Kinesiologists, Bioresonance Practitioners, Naturopaths, and Chiropractors.