Orgone Energy Australia
Shungite Pyramids
Shungite pyramids are an effective EMF protection solution for any home. Crafted from shungite, a mineral known for its healing and protective properties, these pyramid shapes are specially designed to amplify the healing and protective benefits of this mineral.
The shungite pyramid is perfect for EMF protection in your home.
Experience the healing power of shungite with our beautiful shungite pyramids. Known for their purifying, protective, and healing properties, these pyramids are perfect for meditation, energy healing and enhancing your environment.
They are also great for improving brain performance and promoting a calmer state of mind. Enjoy the natural healing energy of shungite today.
The Shungite Pyramids are an energy powerhouse and, thanks to their shape, they can share their protective properties with a large surface.
Using shungite pyramids at home not only protects you from electromagnetic fields but also those around you.
The Shungite Pyramid is an effective EMF shielding tool and can be placed next to a variety of appliances, such as a TV, laptop, or microwave.
The pyramids are also ideal for protecting larger areas such as bedrooms and apartments.
Made from polished, regular Type II shungite. This type of shungite contains about 70 percent carbon. It has a dark gray or black color, and small infusions of pyrite are possible.
Shungite Pyramids are known to be a powerful shield against geopathic stress and other forms of negative influences.
It is no accident that the pyramid quickly became the most popular shungite product. Since ancient times, pyramids have occupied an important place in the development of civilization. Due to its shape, the pyramid creates a torsion field around it, which reflects harmful radiation.
Regular use of the Shungite Pyramids leads to the alignment of the body’s energy, strengthens the biological field, reduces nervousness, and normalizes sleep.
People feel a significant increase in the effectiveness of activities. The Shungite Pyramids enhance the psycho-emotional state and relieve spinal and rheumatic pain.
Even a pyramid in the bedroom provides a calm and relaxing environment. Relations between people in such premises improve, and all conflicts cease. This is what all the people who started using the pyramids say.
Material and Size
Traditional Pyramid
Size: 10 cm
Weight: 300 grams
Material: Polished shungite
Step Pyramid
Size 5 cm
Weight 150 grams
Material: Polished shungite
Octagonal Pyramid
Size: 4 cm
Weight 200 grams
Material: Polished shungite
Benefits of the Shungite Pyramid
The pyramid shape is commonly used in crystal and mineral products, not only because pyramids are pretty, but there is also symbolism that dates back centuries. In ancient Egypt, pyramids served not only as tombs but also as powerful healing chambers.
The Egyptians believed that the pyramids symbolized the sun’s rays because they capture the healing energy of the sun, helping the body ward off negative energies and disease.
It’s not widely known, but the pyramids were built long before ancient Egypt. In Russia, near the Republic of Karelia, on the Kola Peninsula, pyramids twice as old as the Egyptian pyramids have been found.
Scientists say the pyramids were used by shamans to connect with the earth and its healing energies.
Shungite pyramids collect and emit energy. The bottom of the pyramid represents a solid, earthly base that makes you feel grounded and powerful, while the pointed top represents the ability to reach higher realms of consciousness.
Meditating with a shungite pyramid will relax your mind and body. By placing a shungite pyramid on your table, you will turn it into a unique decorative point, and also protect you from all kinds of negative energies and electromagnetic radiation.
Shungite pyramids are one of the most popular shungite items in the world.
The Egyptian pyramid shape is known for its magical properties that result in the pyramid having a great positive influence on everything around it.
Shungite pyramids are not only among the most effective tools against EMF (electromagnetic frequency) radiation and geopathic zones but also ensure the protection of your body and soul, bringing you positive energy and protecting you against harmful influences.
Geopathic Stress and Shungite Pyramid
The Shungite Pyramid and other elements seem to be a perfect solution when it comes to dealing with geopathic stress.
Geopathic stress is a disrupted or distorted electromagnetic field of the earth (resonance/Schumann waves - 7.83 Hz).
Many things, such as underground rivers, water pipes, sewers, power grids, underground tunnels and railroads, mineral formations, and geological faults distort the earth’s natural resonance and lead to the creation of Geopathic Stress (GS).
People who sleep or spend much of their day in geopathic stress zones are extremely susceptible and their well-being, performance, and health are affected by the negative influence of these zones.
The shungite pyramid is among the most effective tools that protect against geo-pathogenic radiation.
Not only do shungite pyramids reduce the negative effects of the environment but also counteract geopathic rays and help you protect your home from electromagnetic radiation from computers, refrigerators, TVs, and phones.
How to Use Shungite Pyramids
Pyramid-shaped shungite items are believed to have a positive effect on the body and internal health of those who use them.
They can be a perfect tool for protecting the house against electromagnetic fields. They can create a protective and positive biofield around themselves in a radius of about five meters and more.
By placing the shungite pyramids in your workplace or bedroom, it contributes a lot to health and well-being.
The pyramid shape has been popular since the dawn of man for its symbolic meaning and magical properties.
Placing a shungite pyramid in your home or office will contribute a lot to your healthy life.
If you want to protect yourself from electromagnetic fields, place the shungite pyramid near televisions, computers, or Wi-Fi routers.
To strengthen your energy field and bring inner harmony and calm into your daily life, use shungite pyramids as an interior decoration item.
In addition to improving your physical health, the shungite pyramid will stabilize your relationships with loved ones and colleagues.
How to Choose a Shungite Pyramid
There are polished and unpolished shungite pyramids and both are commonly used for healing and protection.
They offer the same effects in terms of crystal vibrations and EMF protection and differ only in appearance.
Also, unpolished pyramids can get dirty while polished ones can’t. Aesthetically, polished pyramids look quite better in any room – the noble black color absolutely fits into any interior.
What really matters is the size of the Shungite pyramid, which determines its radius of action.
The larger the pyramid, the greater the radius of action and the greater the protection it offers.
Pyramids with a base of about 10 centimeters are used to shield small spaces and reflect radiation from desktops and laptops.