Orgone Energy Australia
Orgone Iron On EMF Clothing Protection
Protect what matters most with our Iron On EMF Clothing Protection
Protect your child while outside of your home
Up to 85% reduction of EMF radiation and Earth Radiation
Defend yourself from EMF radiation and power lines up to 200 feet away
Safeguard your child from 5G
Our Orgone Iron On EMF Clothing Protection ensures your children are protected from the damaging effects of electromagnetic frequencies. Simply attach the patch to your child's clothing for instant EMF protection. Keep your kids safe with the power of orgone energy.
While our Geoclense offers comprehensive EMF protection for your home, there is still a need for protection when you leave your home.
While there are many options available for personal and family protection, one of our customer's favorites is our Iron-On EMF protection.
While many school dress codes make our pendants and Harmony Wear Protection Line incompatible, our Iron On EMF Protection is a great alternative.
Approximately 30mm in size - provides you with 10 meters of personal space EMF Protection
Approximately 30mm in size - provides you with 10 meters of personal space EMF Protection
How Does the Iron-On EMF Clothing Protection Work?
EMF Clothing Protection can be easily attached to the inside of any garment, sports clothing, or swimwear.
Iron-On EMF Fabric Protectors gently energize any garment with beneficial negative ions or scalar waves, which in turn raises the harmonic vibration of your aura, energy fields, meridians, and chakra systems.
This reduces the stress placed upon your nervous system and heart, which is created by harmful energy fields or positive ions.
Benefits Of EMF Protection Clothing
By energizing your garments, sports clothing, and swimwear with the effective Iron On EMF Fabric Protectors, you are then less affected by harmful energies such as:
* Electromagnetic Radiation, Electromagnetic fields, and very low Electromagnetic Frequencies
* Mobile Phones, Cell Phones, iPhones, Portable Phones and Electronic Devices
* Wireless technology and WiFi devices
* Radio Frequency Fields and Earth Magnetic Radiation
* Geopathic Stress, Fault Lines, and Water Veins
See Other Personal Protection Products In Our Range
All our Orgone Energy EMF protection products produce a negative charge resonance, which is as close to nature as possible.
This is vitally important because electromagnetic fields produce an unhealthy position charge which can have negative effects on your physical and mental health.
Orgone Effects® products are made from our exclusive Orgonium® process and will last a lifetime.
Our full range of harmonizing products have been field-tested and proven to be effective, and are recommended and distributed worldwide by Accredited Health Professionals such as Kinesiologists, Bioresonance Practitioners, Naturopaths, and Chiropractors.