Orgone Energy Australia
Handheld UV Light Sanitizer
Keep your family safer with our Handheld UV Light Sanitizer
Eliminate germs at home and on-the-go
Instantly decontaminates surfaces from viruses, bacteria, pathogens, and mold
Replaces expensive chemical cleaners
This Handheld UV Light Sanitizer effectively eliminates germs, viruses, and mold with its powerful ultraviolet light. Easy to use, it quickly and conveniently sanitizes surfaces in just seconds. Helping to make your home and office safer and healthier!
What can you do to keep your family safe when germs are everywhere you go and on everything you touch?
Well, now you are safe and sound! Equipped with a powerful 16 Watts Ultraviolet lamp emitting at a wavelength of 254 Nanometers (nm), the Handheld UV Light Sanitizer effectively and almost instantly
Just wave the “magic wand” and germs will be removed from hundreds of surfaces we touch every day. You can use it to disinfect masks, gadgets, objects, keyboards, surfaces, money, dishes, glasses, toothbrushes, headphones, baby teats, toys, remote controls, doorknobs, and much more without contact.
Now you can eliminate viruses in your kitchen and bacteria in your bathroom and you and your loved ones can feel safe and healthy.
The secret is the Handheld UV Light Sanitizer that destroys bacteria, viruses, and germs at the cellular level in seconds.
No more smelly chemical sprays or expensive disposable wipes, the Handheld UV Light Sanitizer goes where they can't go and does what they can't on things you would never spray or clean with chemicals, even pacifiers, and baby bottles.
Encouraging Studies
UV-C light is only one disinfection method that has been shown in numerous studies to inactivate the COVID-19 virus.
UV sterilizers use UV-C, which is part of the ultraviolet light spectrum, filtered by the earth's atmosphere to kill germs. UV-C light destroys the DNA of germs and nullifies their ability to multiply.
Ultraviolet light helps eliminate or reduce the actual development or growth of microbiological organisms such as viruses, fungi, or bacteria.
The Handheld UV Light Sanitizer is inspired by the high-frequency ultraviolet light technology used in hospitals, which has been shown to kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses.
It even sanitizes your favorite fabrics like sheets and pillows, and the compact design is perfect for travel, so you can feel protected at home and on the go.
Just wave the “wand” and the germs are gone. So don't hesitate, stay safe and healthy today.
Disinfect at Home and On the Go
The Handheld UV Light Sanitizer offers a quick and easy way to disinfect surfaces. It is very simple to operate: simply plug it in, switch it on, and slowly guide the device over the surfaces to be sanitized.
The versatile, lightweight design enables rapid decontamination of surfaces, walls, and tools in a wide range of industries including food processing, medical, agriculture, restaurants, retail, schools, nursing homes, gyms, and many more.
Warning: UV-C ultraviolet light is harmful to skin and eyes. Do not look directly at the light. Always protect your eyes and skin when using devices that emit UV-C light.
- Powerful disinfection
- UV-C light can kill up to 99.9 percent of pathogens and bacteria
- Chemical-free
- Unlike chemical sanitizers, UVC light leaves no chemical residue
- Eco-friendly alternative to disposable disinfectant wipes that end up in landfills
What is Ultraviolet Light?
Ultraviolet (UV) light is short-wavelength light that is not visible to the naked eye. In terms of wavelengths, lights in our homes and outdoors are longer wavelengths while X-rays are shorter wavelengths. UV is in between. The sun emits three different types of UV light: UV-A light, UV-B light, and UV-C light. The first two are released into the atmosphere with varying intensities, causing wrinkles, sunburn, and many more. UV-C light is almost completely absorbed by the Earth's ozone layer, so it is generally the least known light, but it's still powerful. UV-C rays have the shortest wavelength and the highest energy. This allows them to break the molecular bonds that hold the DNA of viruses and bacteria together.
How Can UV Light Kill Germs?
In the late 1800s, it was discovered that UV-C light could be used as a UV light sanitizer with the ability to kill up to 99.9 percent of germs. The technology was used to purify water in Europe in the early 20th century and is still in use today. Without getting overly technical, a UV-C light sanitizer works by penetrating the thin wall of a microscopic organism and denaturing its nucleic acids. As a result, the DNA structure is disrupted and it either dies or is no longer able to reproduce and is therefore harmless. Consequently, the use of UV-C light to disinfect and kill germs has many applications.
Does Ultraviolet Light Kill the Coronavirus that Causes COVID-19?
The big question is whether these mild disinfectants will kill COVID-19. After several months of testing and discussion, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) has confirmed that ultraviolet light destroys the novel coronavirus. UV light is also effective against other coronaviruses, including the one that causes MERS, and the USA government issued guidelines in mid-2021 setting standards for UV disinfection technology parameters.
Additionally, CleanSlate, a company that sells UV-C sanitizing solutions for the hospitality, healthcare, and food industries, released data in 2021 showing that UV-C light can kill 99.979 percent of bacteriophage MS2, a surrogate for viral human pathogens like the novel coronavirus in just 20 seconds. Since most commercial labs do not meet containment standards for handling the novel coronavirus, these tests are as close as possible at this time.
Benefits of Using UV Light for Disinfection
For centuries, conventional disinfection methods have been used, but are they enough? The truth is, even the deepest cleaning with bleach, hot water, and disinfectant can miss bacteria and harmful germs. In the worst case, these things can lead to ailments or even death. Contrastingly, disinfection with UV rays kills all germs and bacteria faster thanks to UV technology and is an excellent complement to other methods. Some people are hesitant to try it, but at Orgone Energy, we know the benefits far outweigh the costs of switching. These are the six main benefits of using UV light sanitizers.
UV Light Sanitizer is Non-Toxic
Perhaps, the most important advantage of UV disinfection is that it is non-toxic. Unlike harsh chemicals often used in sanitizing and cleaning products, UV light is eco-friendly.
UV disinfection is a physical process, not a chemical one. UV disinfection is safe for food, food preparation departments, and non-food items. Although humans can be harmed by excessive UV exposure, proper protection makes it a safe and non-toxic disinfection method for the medical, hospitality, and restaurant industries.
UV Disinfection is an Extremely Effective Form of Disinfection
The next great thing about disinfection with UV light is that this method of disinfection can be much more effective than other methods. UV light eliminates a variety of harmful organisms. For instance, did you know that ultraviolet light destroys spores and mold? Other disinfection methods either cannot do this or leave a moist environment for fungi to grow. Because UV light disinfection is a dry method, you can be sure it will take care of existing mold and prevent future growth.
UV Disinfection Eliminates Pathogens without Immunity
If you've been following the news about bacteria-resistant antibiotics, you know that the use of some conventional antimicrobials and germicide has had disastrous consequences.
The development of bacteria-resistant to antibiotics is a major problem in the medical community. Unlike conventional disinfection methods, UV disinfection is a physical method of eliminating bacteria.
Consequently, the bacteria in question can’t develop immunity against it. This is a huge advantage, especially for hospitals and nursing homes.
UV Disinfection is Budget-Friendly
You may be surprised that UV disinfection is an affordable disinfection method. People often assume it's expensive because it uses technology instead of chemicals, but that isn’t the case. A one-off investment in our Handheld UV Light Sanitizer can save you years of money and time, as the unique feature of our lens means there are no maintenance costs for the life of the lens. Unlike other methods, there is no corresponding labor cost over time since the unit can operate on its own once installed.
UV Light Disinfection is Safe
A common question people ask about UV disinfection is "is UV light safe to use?" People tend to link ultraviolet exposure with risks like sunburn, but the most important thing to know is that UV light is safe when used correctly. UV light is less harmful than harsh chemicals in cleaning products if proper precautions are taken.
With the recent increase in demand for PPE products, it can often be difficult to find exactly what you are looking for. Because of this, UV light sanitizers can be an ideal alternative to products that may be out of stock.
With any new technology, there will of course be questions about its effectiveness, but research shows that UV light sanitizers are effective at killing 99 percent of germs in most cases.
When considering efficiency, it is important to choose high-quality products. Our Handheld UV Light Sanitizer is tested and designed to work the way UV light should work, so you can be confident you're choosing a product that kills germs.