Orgone Energy Australia
Shungite Rocks for Water
Shungite Rocks for Water is an ideal choice for water purification, helping reduce bacteria and other impurities from drinking water. Also effective for fighting inflammation and boosting antioxidants, shungite water can bring numerous health benefits.
Shungite is truly a source of healing and daily protection.
These Shungite Rocks for Water feature a unique mineral composition, making them perfect for use in water purification.
The healing and protective properties of the rocks help to create a healthy, detoxified environment. Their anti-inflammatory benefits further optimize wellness.
You can carry it around, wear it, and keep it close to your bed, kitchen and office.
However, Shungite healing does not go more holistic than with Shungite Rocks for Water. This is the easiest and most efficient way to regularly enjoy the magnificent properties of Shungite stone in all its glory.
Water purification with Shungite rocks is a great way to make your water clean and uncontaminated, and the most effective way to do this is using elite Shungite rocks.
It can successfully filter out a large number of toxic and radioactive elements from your drinking water, positively change the pH of the water and enrich your water with positive elements.
Thanks to its chemical composition (which is mainly carbon in the fullerene structure), its antioxidant capacity, and its ability to attack free radicals, Shungite can filter water from all toxic and negative elements, as well as enrich it with positive elements and enrich it with several elements.
Shungite Rocks for Water boosts your immune system, aids in detoxification, and treats a variety of diseases and conditions, particularly those related to the skin, tissues, and muscles.
The restorative and regenerating properties of Shungite slow down aging processes and make you look fresh and healthy.
Purchase elite Shungite Rocks for Water and enjoy all the powerful properties of Shungite.
Why Filter Water with Shungite Rocks?
Elite Shungite is helpful as a water filter for several reasons:
- Made from very pure carbon, it will last longer than other activated carbon filters with lower percentages.
- The presence of bulky buckyball carbon structures allows elite shungite rocks to absorb and remove hazardous chemicals from the water that other filters cannot.
- Elite Shungite rocks are sold in pieces that can be placed at the bottom of a water dispenser for the final cleaning step.
- Elite Shungite rocks are easily cleaned of contamination and corrosion with a small brush. Its very shiny surface indicates its chemical purity.
Why Do I Need Shungite Rocks for Water Purification?
We are surrounded by a multitude of industrial plants and electronic devices, many of which negatively affect the immune system.
Polluted water, unhealthy food, toxic emissions, and bad ecology can cause cancer and destroy a healthy person’s energy balance.
To protect you and your loved ones from the influence of negative environmental factors, you need reliable protection against radioactive radiation. The best option is to relocate and move to a region with a healthy biosphere, but this path is not possible for everyone.
To minimize the harmful effects of radionuclides, free radicals, and other carcinogens and reduce the risk of radiation sickness, you need to equip your living space properly.
Natural minerals can help here, which not only have low background radiation but also have the ability to absorb toxic trace elements and negative radiation suspended in the air. This category includes elite Shungite Rocks for Water.
The ability of this Shungite rock to absorb toxins and moisture and to serve as a livestock feed additive is still being studied. We can, however, already see the phenomenal effect of this rock.
Radiation Protection with Shungite Rocks
It is no secret that elite Shungite rocks have become popular in recent years as fillers for water purification devices due to their absorbent properties. Shungite-based filters for purifying running and standing water are no longer a novelty.
The combination of affordability and effective filtering abilities has made Shungite among the most desirable minerals for home use.
However, few people know that Shungite can not only absorb toxic compounds from water but also remove carcinogens from the atmosphere and regulate fluctuations in the energy field.
What is Shungite Water and How is it Prepared?
Elite Shungite rock is a pure superconducting carbon mineral found only in Russia.
It is special because it contains natural carbon fullerenes like the notable Buckyball C60. Because Buckyballs contain a large volume and are carbon reactive, they can attach and sequester unusual chemicals and what may be considered toxins. Due to its unique chemical properties, elite Shungite rock can absorb harmful substances and purify water.
Elite shungite rock consists of 99% pure carbon, therefore its quality is exceptionally high and hardly requires changes due to use. With proper care, elite Shungite rocks can last for years by filtering water passively.
Elite Shungite rock filters water from impurities and can be used to remove chlorine and fluoride from water. Excess fluoride tends to calcify the pineal gland in the brain. These effects can occur early in life, even before the age of 20, and when this occurs the circadian sleep-wake cycle is disrupted as the hormone melatonin is disrupted. A disrupted circadian rhythm at any age, let alone a young age, can lead to long-term health problems (weight management, hormonal, immune system).
Chlorine waste dumped into tap water disrupts gut health, and added fluoride disrupts endocrine (hormonal) health. Besides these harsh chemicals, past chemical contamination and unsafe practices have left most tap water supplies contaminated with several other toxic compounds such as benzene, chromium, hexavalent, and PFAS.
How to Make Shungite Water with Our Rocks
- Rinse residue from stones under running water, don’t use soap. You can rub them with your hands or use a brush to eliminate any fine, black powder.
- Place the rinsed rocks in an enameled pan. Cover with fresh cold water and bring to a light boil, uncovered, for 30 minutes. Drain and let cool.
- Put the boiled Shungite in a ceramic, glass, or enamel container and pour cold water over it.
- Use 200 grams (about 7 ounces) of regular Shungite per one liter (2.1 pints) of water.
- Leave the Shungite water to sit for at least one night or up to 3 days for maximum effect.
- Water deposits are normal and harmless, just let them settle before turning over.
- You can refill the Shungite water tank with fresh water when it runs out.
Shungite rocks naturally filter and purify water. It has a carbon structure like charcoal, which is used as a water filter regularly. Rinse the rocks about once per month to remove any residue. Although it is a self-cleaning stone, Shungite rocks will benefit from a new tune-up or charge. It likes sunlight, so charge it in the sun for a few hours every few months.
How Long Do Rocks Last?
Shungite rocks used to charge water can lose some of their potency over time as it filters out several other minerals from drinking water.
If the water is really polluted, the rock will absorb impurities like fluoride, chlorine, and nitrates, so take them out of the water about once a month, rinse them under running water, let them dry, and place them back into the container.
After 6 months to a year of continuous use, consider replacing the rocks. But just because we don’t add Shungite rocks to our water doesn’t mean we have to get rid of them entirely. Put old rocks in the garden, place them on an altar, use them as a trellis, or even reuse them as jewelry, and wear the Shungite.
If you incorporate even one of our suggestions into your daily life, you’ll understand why we love this healing mineral so much and use it very often.
Is Shungite Water Good for You?
Shungite not only purifies our water but also adds minerals to it. Placing a Shungite rock in the water and drinking it directly from a glass cup will balance, purify, and charge the water, leaving you remarkably refreshed.
Shungite turns water into a biologically active substance that improves life while eliminating harmful microorganisms and impurities.
Research has proven that Shungite absorbs everything harmful to health, whether it is bacteria, pesticides, free radicals, etc., or electromagnetic emissions, microwaves, and other vibrational emissions.
It increases physical well-being and has a powerful effect on the immune system. Water infused with Shungite is traditionally drunk 2 to 3 times a day to remove pollutants and free radicals, as an antibacterial and antiviral agent, and to prevent or relieve symptoms of colds and other illnesses.