Orgone Energy Australia
Travel Pack
Protect yourself from EMF exposure no matter where you are with the Orgone Energy Travel Pack.
The Geoclense ® is designed to balance noxious, unhealthy energy created by all forms of EMR, RF, Wi-Fi, Earth radiation (Geopathic Stress), and Bioplasmic Radiation (Human Generated), to a healthier negative charge resonance.
Why do I need a Geoclense ® when I travel?
Keep the Travel Geoclense ® in your suitcase for use in hotels, hostels, motels, resorts, holiday houses, and apartments. Plug the Geoclense ® in immediately upon arrival as you don’t know what sort of energies may be there to greet you. Combine the Geoclense ® with your own travel adaptor to suit the electrical power-point of your destination.
A typical Hotel/Motel room would have had many hundreds of people sleeping in the same bed that you are, potentially leaving an overlap of emotional and illness imprints in that bed and within the rooms, which may interfere with your sleep and emotional and physical well-being while on holiday. These localized fields over the Hotel beds are all neutralized by the Geoclense ®.
“Here in Miami now ready to board the ship for the Bahamas’ and wanted to reach out to you regarding my Geoclense. Love it, we have one at home and I also have one I travel with. In fact, it is with me on this trip! I travel around the world a couple of times each year and both at home and abroad, I have always felt exposed to EMR from a variety of sources. From the TV, blue tooth, laptops, microwaves, not to mention the emotional energy associated with previous guests in the numerous hotels, cruise ships, etc.
Would not want to be without this product.”
Mack, U.S.A.
Keep your Aircraft Cabin Harmonizer disk in your carry-on luggage. The cabin disk converts the overwhelming Positive charge noxious energies experienced in an aircraft cabin to a healthy Negative charge.
The Aircraft Cabin Harmonizer allows the passenger to breathe easier and feel fresher for longer without any of the physically ill symptoms many experience when traveling on a plane. One Aircraft Cabin Harmonizer will potentially harmonize an entire aircraft cabin. The Aircraft Cabin Disk is also beneficial for other forms of public transport such as trains, trams, and buses.
The Travel Pack also includes two Ener-Sole Ionic Shoe Insoles for your walking and touring pleasure. Ener-Soles are energized shoe insoles designed to gently energize the Reflexology and Meridian Points on the underside of your feet. Ener-Soles may assist with reducing foot pain and increase blood circulation, which in turn, may reduce stress levels. Wearing Ener-Soles creates a gentle, warm negative charge energy in the feet that is both invigorating and pleasurable at the same time. Ener-Soles also provide suitable EMF protection for the whole body.
The Travel Pack makes a wonderful Bon Voyage gift!
The “Travel” Pack includes:-
1 x Geoclense ® Home and Workplace Harmonizer
1 x Aircraft Cabin Harmonizer
2 x Ener-Sole Ionic Shoe Insoles
Because nothing is set in stone, if you wish to change pendant selection to other pendants in our range or wish to add to this pack, please feel free to talk to us about your specific needs. support@orgoneenergy.org
All our Orgone Energy EMF protection products produce a negative charge resonance, which is as close to nature as possible.
This is vitally important because electromagnetic fields produce an unhealthy position charge which can have negative effects on your physical and mental health.
Orgone Effects® products are made from our exclusive Orgonium® process and will last a lifetime.
Our full range of harmonizing products have been field-tested and proven to be effective, and are recommended and distributed worldwide by Accredited Health Professionals such as Kinesiologists, Bioresonance Practitioners, Naturopaths, and Chiropractors.