EMF-and-Power-Lines-How-to-Calculate-Exposure-Levels-in-Your-Environment Orgone Energy Australia

EMF and Power Lines: How to Calculate Exposure Levels in Your Environment

Worried about approaching the web of power lines outside your window? Power lines are essential in a residential area. However, heavy power lines passing within visible distance can put your health at risk.
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Worried about approaching the web of power lines outside your window? Power lines are essential in a residential area. However, heavy power lines passing within visible distance can put your health at risk.

Most people can experience a particularly “severe” headache when they are near a transformer or generator. Those of us who are highly sensitive to EMF are all too familiar with that feeling. And the pain is felt throughout the body.

Living close to power lines is believed to cause mild yet long-term effects on people. In fact, it goes unnoticed in most scenarios. Concerned parents are now worrying about EMF emitted from power lines and its impact on their children’s health.

While we understand that power lines near homes are inevitable, it is always possible to stay aware of the EMF radiation reaching the home and keep it under control. Most solutions are affordable; all it takes is awareness and a small investment of your time.

What are Electromagnetic Fields?

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are a combination of electric and magnetic fields. They are both invisible forms of energy, commonly referred to as radiation. Electric fields are created in the immediate vicinity of a stationary electric charge. Magnetic fields are produced by the movement of electric charges.

The strength of electric fields is determined by the voltage, which is the force that drives electrons through a wire. The electric field becomes stronger as the voltage increases. When current passes through a wire or electrical device, a magnetic field is generated that increases in intensity as the current increases.

Although electric fields struggle to penetrate walls or other objects, magnetic fields can penetrate most materials, including people and buildings. It is for this reason that exposure to magnetic fields raises greater concerns about their effects on human health.

Certain segments of the electromagnetic spectrum contain emissions that may pose a cancer risk. The spectrum spans from extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation, like that produced by overhead power lines, to higher-frequency radiation, such as the energy given off by gamma rays and X-rays.

EMF radiation varies in its characteristics and effects. Non-ionizing radiation, found in low- or medium-frequency ranges, is generally regarded as less harmful to humans compared to higher-frequency (or ionizing) radiation, which can damage cells or DNA and increase the risk of cancer.

Understanding and estimating the magnetic fields produced by overhead power lines can be crucial for assessing potential health risks and ensuring safety. Our Power Line Magnetic Field Calculator is a user-friendly tool designed to help you calculate the electromagnetic field strength at a specified distance from various types of power lines. By inputting key parameters such as the current flowing through the power line and the distance from the power line, you can quickly and accurately estimate the magnetic field levels in your area.

This tool is especially useful for homeowners, urban planners, and health professionals who need to evaluate EMF exposure from nearby power lines. With the Power Line Magnetic Field Calculator, you can make informed decisions and take necessary precautions to minimize exposure to electromagnetic fields.


EMF Radiation from Power Lines

Like all other electronic devices and conductors, power lines give off EMF radiation. Since they carry much more electricity than the electrical wires in our homes, they are a concern for everyone, particularly those living beneath one of these wires.

Power lines emit varying levels of EMF depending on the voltage they transmit. In some countries, government regulations recommend maintaining a “safe” distance between power lines and homes. While distance can reduce exposure to most radiation, the probability of your family being affected by EMF is still not negligible. Living close to a power line can have a significant impact within a radius of up to 300 meters.

If you believe you’re safe because your neighborhood has underground power lines, think again. Although sand absorbs much of the electric field produced by power lines, it also amplifies the magnetic field. For those who do not know, it is the magnetic field that has the most negative effects on health.

As you can understand, it is quite difficult for the government or utility companies to track the radiation emitted by power lines in each area. This calls for us to find ways to address the EMF emissions that affect our health and homes. 

Can Living Near Power Lines Be Harmful?

The debate about the harmful effects linked to electromagnetic fields from residing near high-voltage power lines has been going on for years. Although research suggests that there are no significant risks, the possibility of a relatively small risk cannot be definitively ruled out.

EMFs are generated by electrical wiring, electrical appliances, and power lines, exposing everyone to some extent. Many studies have explored the relationship between EMF exposure and health.

Although previous studies have suggested links between exposure and various health outcomes, including cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, brain cancer, and developmental and reproductive disorders, most of these links have not been supported by recent research. A significant exception to this is the link with childhood leukemia, which the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) considers sufficient evidence to classify extremely low-frequency (ELF) magnetic fields as “potential” human carcinogens.

The initial study linking childhood leukemia to household exposure to electromagnetic fields was published in 1979 and since then, several studies have found weak associations supporting this original discovery. Studies examining childhood leukemia as a health consequence of exposure to EMF have used measured and estimated magnetic fields and the distance between houses and power lines as measures of exposure.

Studies employing magnetic field strength as a measure of exposure have found that exposures above the range of 0.3 to 0.4 µT double the risk of leukemia, with the risk below this level being very low. This exposure range corresponds approximately to a distance of 60 m within a 500 kV power line.

However, a recent study showed an increased risk of leukemia among children residing in homes more than 200 feet (60 m) from power lines. Nearly 30,000 case-control pairs of children residing in the UK participated in this study. Children living in homes within 600 meters of power lines have been found to be at high risk of contracting leukemia.

Children living within 200 m of power lines were found to have a 69% increased risk of leukemia, while children living between 200 and 600 m of power lines were found to have a 23% increased risk. What was special about this study was that it found some increase in risk at much greater distances than earlier studies had indicated.

Although the distance between homes and power lines can be considered a rough measure of exposure, the findings of this study deserve attention. Knowledge about how EMF exposure can affect health is limited. The underlying biological mechanism remains unclear, making it difficult to determine the most appropriate EMF measure to assess health outcomes. Using proximity to home may be a useful substitute for direct measurements of electromagnetic fields, but may also capture other factors associated with being near high-voltage power lines.

There is no alternative to providing a continuous power supply to our homes without using power lines, whether overhead or underground. Of course, we can use solar energy, but it is currently not possible to make it the only sustainable energy source for your home. Additionally, solar panels can also emit EMF.

The only way to protect yourself from ELF-EMF is to block the radiation from reaching you. There are different ways to block EMF given off by electronic devices, such as smart meter covers, cell phone cases, router covers, or dirty electrical filters. However, to protect your home from external electromagnetic fields, you must first determine how much EMF radiation is affecting your home from outside sources.

Here’s how to do it. Purchase a reliable EMF meter.

Please remember that not all EMF meters are suitable for measuring extremely low frequencies (ELF). Therefore, make sure the meter has a low range on the spectrum to detect RF and ELF radiation.

We recommend the Trifield TF2 Meter for three primary reasons. The first is its ability to read the lower end of the spectrum. Secondly, it provides highly accurate readings, and thirdly; it offers excellent value for money.

It is necessary to take readings with the meter in each room of your home before carrying out modifications or protective measures. In many cases, certain rooms may have higher EMF readings than others. The maximum allowed value is 0.5mG. If you receive a reading higher than this from the power line, you will definitely require some protection. If your main power supply is causing significant EMF radiation, that can also be resolved. 

An alternative tool to assess your exposure to EMF radiation from power lines is the Power Line EMF Calculator. This calculator takes into account various factors such as tower type, clearance, phasing, circuit current, height above ground, and distance. By inputting these parameters, you can estimate the EMF levels around your home and make informed decisions to minimize potential health risks.


What is the Safest Distance to Live from Power Lines?

When searching for a home, buyers may ask themselves: how close is too close to power lines? There is no definitive answer, but observing the proximity and voltage offers some insight. Neighborhood distribution lines usually operate at voltages below 20,000 volts. At this low voltage and over short distances, the risks to nearby houses are minimal.

High voltage lines in the range of 100,000 to 800,000 volts are more worrisome. Their uninsulated cables give off EMFs and noise, causing proximity problems. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful when purchasing houses near high transmission lines rather than neighborhood distribution lines.

Although there is no generally accepted safe distance, some guidelines suggest the following:

  • It is best to live 700 to 1,000 feet away from power lines to limit exposure to EMF.
  • Every additional 100 feet decreases the intensity of the EMF field exponentially.
  • Above 1,300 feet, the intensity of electromagnetic fields corresponds to typical background levels.

So, while there is no straightforward safety standard, greater distance from high-voltage power lines means less exposure to electromagnetic fields and a lower risk of fire. How far is enough? Well, buyers should evaluate their risk tolerance and budget. If you want to be extra careful, maximize (within reasonable limits) the distance between your house and power lines.

To assist in making these evaluations, consider using the Power Line Safe Distance Calculator. By simply inputting the voltage of the power line, this tool helps you estimate the safe distance you should maintain to minimize EMF exposure. This calculator provides valuable insights that can guide you in making more informed decisions about your potential new home.



How To Protect Yourself From ELF-EMF From Power Lines?

Lastly, let’s discuss steps you can take to address ELF-EMF radiation from power lines if you live nearby.

You can cover yourself in protection with our Orgone Bamboo Blankets! Your bed is where you’ll spend most of the day, so it’s important to protect your bedroom just as well if not more than other parts of your home. One way to do this is to purchase a protective fabric like our Bamboo Orgone Blankets to cover yourself. This blanket not only looks great but also absorbs and blocks harmful EMF radiation while you sleep. This is very important because at night your body regenerates cells and revitalizes your health. Radiation from power lines can ruin that plan, causing fatigue and more serious health issues.

To ensure you are covered comprehensively, pay attention to your home’s electrical system. Prevent dirty electricity in your home by using a filter such as the GeoClense EMF and Earth Harmonizer. These filters work by reducing the amount of EMF exposure in your home, making it a safer place for you and your family.

The filters will discharge some of the dirty electricity present in your space, bringing your EMF levels into a safer range. Consequently, it corrects any dirty electrical fields throughout your home, eliminating the need for plug-ins at every outlet. Just plug it into each room, and your task is complete.

Final Thoughts

Continue to measure EMF levels every step of the way. Do not stop until you get values below the allowed limit. As we consistently advise, you’re not restricted to using just one of these solutions. You can combine any of the EMF protective measures above to achieve low EMF levels in your home.

You can take additional precautions to protect yourself and your family from harmful radiation emitted by power lines. For instance, relocating bedrooms away from areas near power lines or moving the bed to the opposite wall of your room.

As people become more aware of invisible health risks, such as electromagnetic fields caused by living near a power line, governments are likely to impose regulations and implement preventive measures to protect against radiation. In the meantime, the responsibility falls on us.